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  1. 持股量不小,一旦在市場拋售,股價會大跌,得到的錢會少於預算
  2. 長期投資者持有股票收息,賣了就沒有股息收,通過衍生工具對沖,則相等於沽出股票而仍然可以收息




对冲基金 (Hedge Fund)


  • LP (Limited Partner): 对冲基金的投资者. 想获得较高收益的个人/公司
  • GP (General Partner): 对冲基金的发起人/管理公司. 投资经理(investment/fund manager)受雇于GP, 投资组合的管理者以及投资策略的决策者. 一般来说,投资经理都是GP自己,而且GP会将自己大量的钱投到该基金产品里


  1. Accredited Investor / Qualified Investor: 符合投资者收入标准
    • 单位投资者的净资产不低于1000万元
    • 个人投资者的金融净资产不低于300万元或者最近3年个人年均收入不低于50万元
  2. Large Personal Stake: GP会投资一些钱在基金产品里
  3. High Minimum: 入场费高; 规定最低投资额度, 投资于单只对冲基金的金额通常大于100万
  4. First Year Lock-In: 有资金的锁定期,根据不同的产品或者GP会有变化
  5. Infrequent Redemption: 一年只有指定的几个日子可以撤资
  6. Variety of Investment: 可以自由使用各种投资策略, 和各种金融产品和衍生产品
  7. 2 / 20 Gains: 在赚钱部分分20% (performance fee/carried interest), 入场费(年费)收2% (management fee)
  8. Leverage: 杆杠 - 借钱



  • Leverage (杠杆): 借钱.
    • E.g. 借钱买房. 房价1000万, 付了200万, 从银行贷款800万
    • 这就相当于花了200万买了1000万的房子, 使用了4倍杠杆
  • 卖空 (融券 / 空头 / 做空 / 短期 (Short) 的炒作 / 看跌 / 悲观):
    • 对某市场前景不看好, 借该市场的金融资产卖出
  • 买空 (融资 / 多头 / 做多 / 長期 (Long) 的投資 / 看涨 / 乐观):
    • 对某市场前景看好, 借钱来买入

Main Strategies:

  1. Equity Hedge (股权对冲策略)
    • 市场中性策略: 整体规模统一,同时持有股票的空头和多头
    • 空头策略: 专门只卖空来赚钱,就是只卖出被高估的股票的策略
    • 多头策略: 买入你认为被低估的股票
  2. Event-Driven (事件驱动策略)
    • 对一些事件,比如合并、破产和公司重组等持有头寸
    • Distressed debt (不良债策略):
      • 不良债是发债公司由于一些财务困境而不能还本付息,已经违约或者违约风险大,因此评级下调到CCC级或以下的债券
    • Merge Arbitrage (兼并套利策略):
      • 购买有期望被 公司A 收购的 公司B 的股票,同时卖空A的股票,因为对冲基金想获取预期收购完成后股票当前市场价格与这些股票的价值之间的价差
      • E.g.
  3. Relative Value (相对价值策略)
    • 利用股票、债券、货币或利率以及衍生工具的定价中的不规则性或差异来获利
    • E.g. 人民币在不同的市场上会有不同的报价,分为在岸人民币(CNY)和离岸人民币(CNH). 有时候由于交易机制等原因,CNY和CNH会略有不同. 比如,CNH由于对某个新信息反应更快,所以升值幅度大于CNY. CNH汇率报7.03,CNY报7.09. 假设某人某当日在国外用703000元人民币买了100000美元后,他再回到国内将100000美元换回709000元人民币,就可赚取6000元的价差(不考虑其他费用)
  4. Global Macro and Commodity Trading Adviser (全球宏观策略)
    • 挖掘全球经济市场上的投资机会
    • 全球宏观策略与其他对冲基金策略的不同之处在于,它广泛使用股票市场和债券市场的指数,而不是利用单个股票和债券来做策略


  • 金融危机的时候,新闻里动不动对冲基金导致股指大跌
    • 大部分情况主要是 Infrequent Redemption 和 Leverage 共同作用导致的
    • 一年就几个撤资日,遇上恐慌性时期,比如雷曼垮台啊,欧债危机啊,一到日子客户就集体撤资,对冲基金没办法只好短时间不计成本地平仓, 再加上对冲基金一般是高杠杆….
  • Dynamic Beta Investments创始人Andrew Beer表示:“对冲基金行业到处都是规模永远达不到要求的小型基金”
  • 截止2020年上半年,客户已从对冲基金中撤出了超过550亿美元的资金,这是至少十年来最大的数额
  • 香港的Infini Capital Management的首席执行官Tony Chin表示,将提供100%的损失保险,即所谓的全损保险, 作为交换,它将收取所产生利润的一半
  • 2008年金融危机后, 随着各国央行向市场注入大量cheap money,收益率大幅下降,颠覆了资产类别和经济数据之间的传统关系. 随着市场进入历史上最长的牛市,波动性逐渐减弱,许多基金经理难以从做空股票中获利. 过去十年,对冲基金创造的股票年收益率不到三分之一
  • 2020年上半年,对冲基金亏损3.4%,略高于包括股息在内的标普500指数的跌幅,表现差
  • 2014年,美国最大的养老基金完全退出了对冲基金,这高度象征着该行业的衰落
  • 巴菲特指责高收费基金经理以牺牲客户利益为代价牟取暴利
  • 根据统计,对冲基金整体上已经赚取了近1.3万亿美元的利润. 但在一个拥有8000多只基金的行业中,前20名经理几乎占了这些利润的一半
  • 「马太效应」愈加显著 (两极分化严重, 强者愈强, 弱者愈弱)


  • 1992年狙击英镑
    • 索罗斯预感到,德国人准备撤退了,马克不再支持英镑,于是他旗下的量子基金以5%的保证金方式大笔借贷英镑,购买马克. 他的策略是:当英镑汇率未跌之前用英镑买马克,当英镑汇率暴跌后卖出一部分马克即可还掉当初借贷的英镑,剩下的就是净赚
  • 亚洲金融风暴



私募(Private Fund)不是对冲. 对冲基金是私募证券投资基金的一个种类,它是以多空头寸对冲消除掉系统性风险,从中获取绝对收益的基金. 一般对冲基金都是私募的,全球几乎只有香港有公募的对冲基金. 大陆的对冲基金由于对冲工具的缺乏暂未有搜索真正的对冲基金,但是随着2010年沪深300股指期货的诞生,对冲基金在大陆已经开始得到发展.

  1. 法律结构
    • 对冲基金:对冲基金是由对冲基金公司作为一般合伙人和投资管理顾问发起设立的有限合伙人架构,投资者作为有限合伙人
    • 阳光私募:阳光私募是指由投资顾问公司作为发起人,发行设立的证券投资类信托集合理财产品,投资者作为委托人,信托公司作为受托人,资金由第三方银行托管
  2. 投资范围
    • 对冲基金:理论上可以投资任何资产类别,包括但不限于股票,债券,衍生品,货币,不动产,土地等
    • 阳光私募:主要投资于二级市场证券,以股票投资为主
  3. 投资者
    • 对冲基金和阳光私募都是面向少数特定的合格投资者,非公开发售,一般设有最低认购金额限制. 在美国,少数特定的合格投资者定义为过去两年年收入在20万美金以上或者资产净值在100万美金以上的投资者
    • 而在中国,购买阳光私募的投资者需要满足“合规投资者”的条件,即具备相应风险识别能力和风险承担能力,投资于单只私募基金的金额不低于100 万元,且个人金融类资产不低于300万元或者最近三年个人年均收入不低于50万元人民币




  1. Underlying
  2. Expiration Date (Maturity)
  3. Strike Price
  4. Contract Size
Call Put
Buy 预期大涨 预期大跌
Sell 预期小跌 预期小涨





Notional Value VS market Value


市盈率(Price-to-Earning Ratio, P/E),是用來衡量股票平貴的一個指標,計算方法為 :

市盈率 PE = 股價 / 每股盈利(EPS)

以香港交易所(00388)在2020年4月7日的收市價為例,股價為HK\$243.80,每股盈利為HK\$7.49,市盈率 = HK\$243.80/HK\$7.49 = 32.55倍。




所以就有另一種計算方法——市盈率 TTM (Trailing Twelve Months) ,是以最近12個月的每股盈利來計算市盈率,能反映更及時的數據,並不受季節性因素影響。


市盈率高低 一般來說,市盈率是愈低愈吸引,反之,愈高即「愈貴」。但市盈率到多少才叫「平」或「貴」呢?以2020年4月7日的收市價計算,騰訊(00700)的市盈率為36.07倍,而中電控股(00002)的市盈率為43.37倍,是否就代表中電比騰訊貴?





中外資金湧入港股,股市每日上演大時代。股民最關心這次牛市可以持續多久?港股可升至甚麼水平?不少財經評論員便以港股市盈率(PE)推算,指現時PE僅 12倍左右,因此距離爆煲尚遠。不少股壇初哥可能已有滿腹疑問,甚麼是市盈率?為甚麼用市盈率可推算恒指何時見頂?作為「投資速成班」第一課,市盈率不可 不識,它既提醒你入市時機,也為你判斷市況是否過熱,利用市盈率分析大市及個別股票,可攻守兼備。



A: 市盈率(PE)常用來量度大市或個股估值,計算方法是現時股價(Price)除以每股盈利(Earnings per Share,EPS),得出一個「倍數」。以去年度EPS計算的話,稱為歷史市盈率(Historical PE);按分析員預估EPS計算的,則稱為預測市盈率(Forecast PE)。一般認為,PE的倍數愈低,大市或個股的估值便愈便宜,理論上吸納的價值也愈大。


A:要分析大市市盈率,常與歷史平均水平作比較。據恒指公司的PE數據(自1973年5月至2015年3月),恒指平均PE為14.51倍。截至周四(23 日),為11.67倍,由是觀之,港股現在仍屬抵買。想知道最新的恒指市盈率,投資者可以到恒指公司網站( 查看,或以「恒指市盈率」作關鍵詞搜尋。


A:不少專家以PE作為港股的見頂訊號。因為過去每當港股PE升至接近或超過20倍,不久大市便會見頂。舉例2007年10月港股PE平均為24倍,同月30日恒指升至31958點的歷史高位;再對上一次則是 2000年2月,當月平均PE26倍,其後在3月28日恒指升上18397點的頂位。因此每當港股PE升至20倍,可說是大市的見頂訊號。以港股現時PE僅約12倍,距離大市見頂估計仍有一段距離。

此外,投資者亦可以PE推測股市高位。PE計算方法是股價(分子)除以每股盈利(分母),以現 時約12倍PE相當於約27000點推算,即(27000/x=12;x=2250);若每股盈利即分母不變,當PE升至20倍,預測這一浪港股見頂便是 45000點(45000/2250=20)。



A:投資者分析個股的PE 時,多會以同業作比較。假設兩間公司業務相若,A公司每股盈利1.1元,B公司為1元,股價同為10元,A公司PE便是9.09倍,B公司則是10倍。倘若同時在10元價位,買進A公司及B公司的股票,並假設兩間公司其後每股盈利沒有增長。A公司每年每股盈利1.1元,即9.09年可以回本(賺回10 元),B股票每年每股盈利1元,則要10年時間才賺回10元。因此,PE較低的公司,理論上較抵買。


A: 在今次港股大升浪之前,港交所(00388)在今年4月2日收報196元,當時的歷史PE為44倍。周四收報296.8元,歷史PE為66.85倍。因為 歷史PE的分母(去年度EPS)不變,港交所半個月內大升了達100元,歷史PE亦因而扯高至逾60多倍,對比該股的歷史平均PE約30倍,估值明顯偏高。

話雖如此,投資者不能單憑港交所PE高企而判斷她不抵買,因為值不值得買入始終要回歸基本因素。例如港交所屬「獨市生意」,現時港股每 日成交差不多2,000億元,港交所盈利勢將大增,投資者看好該股前景,港交所的歷史PE愈扯愈高也不奇,因此有時候高PE代表投資者看好其前景,即使股 價再貴,都照買可也。大家參考預測市盈率之餘,亦可按多間大行預測的未來盈利推算出PE。港交所現時的預測PE 41倍,與大升前的44倍相若,反映大行認為港交所的估值並未偏高

复权(Adj Close)

Adjusted Close provides the closing price for the requested day, week, or month, adjusted for all applicable splits and dividend distributions. Data is adjusted using appropriate split and dividend multipliers, adhering to Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) standards.

Split multipliers are determined by the split ratio. For example, in a 2 for 1 split, the pre-split data is multiplied by 0.5. Dividend multipliers are calculated based on dividend as a percentage of the price, primarily to avoid negative historical pricing. For example, when a \$0.08 cash dividend is distributed on Feb 19 (ex- date), and the Feb 18 closing price is \$24.96, the pre-dividend data is multiplied by (1-0.08/24.96) = 0.9968. Here’s an example Let’s take a look at how split and dividend multipliers are calculated and applied to determine adjusted close prices. We’ll start with this table of historical prices, a split, and a dividend:

Date Close, Dividend, or Split
2/16/03 Close = 46.99
2/17/03 Close = 48.30
2/18/03 Split = 2:1;  Close = 24.96
2/19/03 Close = 24.91
2/20/03 Close = 24.95
2/21/03 Cash Dividend = 0.08 (ex-date); Close = 24.53
2/22/03 Close = 24.54

The multipliers we’ll use are determined from the split and dividend:

  • Split Multiplier = 0.5
  • Dividend Multiplier = 1 - (0.08/24.96) = 0.9968

Using these split and dividend multipliers, the adjusted close prices are calculated for those dates prior to the split:

  • The close price for 216 and 217 are adjusted for both the split on 218 and the ex-dividend date, 221.
  • The close price for 218 through 220 are adjusted for the ex-dividend date, 221.
  • The close price for 218 through 220 don’t need adjustment for the split that occurred before close on 218.
  • The close price for 221 and 222 aren’t adjusted because they’re after the split and ex-dividend dates.
Date Close, Dividend, or Split
2/16/03 0.5 * 0.9968 * 46.99 = 23.42
2/17/03 0.5 * 0.9968 * 48.30 = 24.07
2/18/03 0.9968 * 24.96 = 24.88
2/19/03 0.9968 * 24.91 = 24.83
2/20/03 0.9968 * 24.95 = 24.87
2/21/03 24.53



  • 前复权是从今天的价格倒推
    • 保持现有价位不变,将以前的价格缩减,将除权前的K线向下平移,使图形吻合,保持股价走势的连续性
    • 复权后价格=[(复权前价格-现金红利)+配(新)股价格×流通股份变动比例]÷(1+流通股份变动比例)
  • 后复权是从上市价格前推
    • 保持先前的价格不变,而将以后的价格增加
    • 复权后价格=复权前价格×(1+流通股份变动比例)-配(新)股价格×流通股份变动比例+现金红利
  • 不复权就是原始K线



What is ‘beta’? The volatility that a benchmark portfolio (S&P 500 index) or a market portfolio exhibits is known as systematic risk. Beta is the historical measure of risk of any individual stock or portfolio against the risk of the market portfolio. In other words, it measures the volatility of any security with respect to the overall market volatility. Let us consider the following example to understand beta intuitively.

Consider the daily returns of Google Inc. If it is said the beta of the Google stock is 1.5, then it means that the Google is 50% more volatile than the market. So if the intraday return of the market is a positive 10%, then the intraday return on Google stock would be 15%. In other words, the returns on the Google stock will outperform the market by 50% and the alpha on Google would be 5%. Now, if the market declines by 5%, then Google will decline by 7.5% or 50% more than the market. Google’s change in the market value is multiplied by its beta to estimate its movement in future. Hence, Google is a high beta stock.

Similarly, if the beta of any stock is say 0.75, then it will be less volatile than the market. If the intraday gains of the market are 10%, a low beta stock will gain only 7.5%. Low beta stocks are very useful to mitigate market risk. This is because, if the market declines by 5%, then the stock will decline by only 3.75%. This is less than the benchmark decline as opposed to the decline by Google when the market fell by 5%


How is beta calculated? One of the most common ways to calculate beta is using the Capital Asset Pricing Model or CAPM.

Have a look at the CAPM model:

E (Ra) = Rf + Ba [ E (Rm) - Rf]

CAPM model states that the expected return of an asset ‘E (Ra)’ is equal to the risk-free return in the market plus the difference between the expected return of the market and risk-free rate ‘[E (Rm) - Rf]’ multiplied by the asset’s beta ‘Ba’.

If we have all the values except the asset’s beta, we can calculate the beta using:

Ba = [E (Ra) - Rf] / [ E (Rm) - Rf]

We can even find beta by performing the ‘regression analysis’. When one tries to capture a mathematical relationship between ‘x’ and ‘y’ variables, by fitting a line, polynomial or a curve through scatter plots, such that one can make a reasonably good prediction of ‘y’ given ‘x’, then the mathematical process of deriving such an equation between x and y is called the regression analysis.This equation can also arrived at by using a machine learning based regression model.

If we try to fit a ‘line’ through this scatter plot that “best” explains the observed values of ‘y’ in terms of observed values of ‘x’, we get a simple linear regression model.

Linear regression assumes a linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The following regression equation describes that relation:

Yi = b0 + b1 Xi + ei

We refer to the intercept ‘b0’ and slope coefficient ‘b1’ as the regression coefficients and ei as the random error.

Now, consider this equation:

Rasset = ex-post alpha + beta of asset * Rbenchmark + ei

To understand the coefficients more intuitively, if we consider the returns for Google vs. S&P 500 index, then the slope coefficient in a regression line is called the stock’s beta, as it measures the relative amount of systematic or undiversifiable risk in Google’s returns. If the slope of Google returns is more than 1, its returns tend to increase or decrease more than the market returns. A slope or beta of 1 would have the same level of systematic risk as that of the market on an average, and a slope or beta less than 1 implies that the returns increase or decrease by less than the change in the market returns.

The intercept term is the ex-post alpha i.e. the measure of excess returns of Google as compared to market index returns. If the intercept term is negative, it means Google has underperformed S&P on a risk adjusted basis and a positive intercept means it has had excess returns on risk adjusted basis.

All the points on the regression equation line, predict the ‘y’ values for the corresponding ‘x’ values. However, the optimal regression line is the one for which the sum of the squared differences (vertical distances) or the sum of squared errors or SSE between the ‘y’ values predicted by the regression equation/line and the actual ‘y’ values is minimal.

Thus, the regression line minimizes the SSE. This is the reason why simple linear regression is also called as Ordinary Least Squares or OLS, and the estimated (predicted) values by the regression equation i.e. y predicted are called least squares estimates.

The slope coefficient ‘b1’ of the regression line is calculated as the covariance of x and y divided by the variance of x (covxy /σ2x ), and the intercept coefficient is the line’s intersection with the y axis at x = 0.