
views 94361 words

Intro - task-oriented dialogue system


SLU:把自然语言转换成机器可以处理的领域(domain)/意图(intention) 和槽植对(slot-value pairs),他的输入是代表用户输入Utterance的Xn,输出是Un。


Un=(In, Zn), In是intention,Zn是槽植对。

In=f(Xn) , 就是意图分类,一般分类方法都行,也可采用DBN、DCN等方法。

Zn=f(Xn),Zn = { 1, 2, 3…},是序列标准问题,传统的CRF、HMM都行,RNN、LSTM、GRU等也可以。

另外为了解决领域数据不足的问题,SLU还有很多迁移学习(Transfer Learning)方面的工作。比如实例迁移、模型适配、参数迁移、领域关系迁移等。


DST:作用是根据领域(domain)/意图(intention) 、曹植对(slot-value pairs)、之前的状态以及之前系统的Action等来追踪当前状态。它的输入是Un(当前的意图和槽值对)、An-1 (上轮system的action)和Sn-1(上一轮的状态),输出是Sn(当前的状态)。

S = {Gn,Un,Hn},Gn是用户目标、Un同上、Hn是聊天的历史,Hn= {U0, A0, U1, A1, … , U −1, A −1},S =f(S −1,A −1,U )。


另外为了解决领域数据不足的问题,DST还有很多迁移学习(Transfer Learning)方面的工作。比如基于特征的迁移学习、基于模型的迁移学习等。


DPL( 也叫DPO)基于当前状态(state)决定系统需要采取action。它的输入是Sn,输出是An。

S = {Gn,Un,Hn},An是系统的Action,A ={Dn, {Ai, Vi}},Dn是对话类型,Ai、Vi是第i轮对话的attribute和其value。DST一般会建模成强化学习或深度强化学习(从不同维度区分的话有非常多的变种,后面一一介绍)。

另外为了解决领域数据不足的问题,DPL还有很多迁移学习(Transfer Learning)方面的工作。比如线性模型迁移学习、高斯过程迁移学习、BCM迁移学习等。


NLG:把系统的Action转换成用Yn表示的自然语言形式的系统response。它的输入是An,输出是Yn。NLG方法非常多,比如基于规则的、基于模板的、基于短语的、基于token的、基于句法树的( 变种也不少,不过大同小异,大多是trick层面的)、基于corpus的、基于神经网络的(变种很多,如RNN、RNN+CNN、RNN+LM、LSTM+SC等)、基于神经网络+句法树的等等,后续会一一介绍。

其中A ={Dn, {Ai, Vi}},Yn = {y1,y2,y3…},yi是第i轮的系统回复(response)。

另外为了解决领域数据不足的问题,NLG还有很多迁移学习(Transfer Learning)方面的工作。比如线在 原始领域预训练然后在目标领域(Target domain)做fine-tuning、基于实例的迁移学习、基于参数的迁移学习等。



1:I would like a cup of coffee.

1:What coffee would you like?

2:What coffee do you serve?

2:We serve Espresso, Americano, Latte, Mocha, etc.

3:I would like a cup of Latte.

3:Hot Latte or Iced Latte?

4:Hot Latte.

4:What cup size do you want?

5: Tall.


  • 输入: =“I would like a cup of Latte.”,
  • 输出:U ={L3, 3},其中L3: Intention=Order、 3: {CoffeeType=Latte}


  • 输入:

    • S2 ={G2, U2, H2}, 其中 :
      • G2= {CoffeeType=?, Size=?, Temp=?}
      • U2={Intention=Ask, {CoffeeType=?}}
      • H2 ={U1, A1}
    • A2={Action=Inform, {CoffeeType=Espresso, Americano, Latte, Mocha}}
    • U3 ={Intention=Order, {CoffeeType=Latte}}
  • 输出:

    • S3 ={G3, U3, H3}, 其中 :
      • G3= {CoffeeType=Latte, Size=?, Temp=?}
      • U3={Intention=Order, {CoffeeType=Latte}}
      • H3 ={U1, A1, U2, A2}


  • 输入是S3
  • 输出A3= {Action=Ask, {CoffeeType=Latte, Temp=?}}


  • 输入A3
  • 输出Y3= “Hot Latte or Iced Latte?”


initialize all compoents - NLU BST BP NLG INPUT OUTPUT

put into DialogSystem


kwargs = _start_dialog()
while True:
    if self.num_turns == max_length:
    kwargs, stop = self._forward_turn(kwargs)
    if stop:



kwargs = kwargs or {}
        for module in self.modules:
            kwargs = {**kwargs, **module.start_dialog(**kwargs)}
        return kwargs


for module in self.modules:
    kwargs = {**kwargs, **module.forward(self, **kwargs)}

stop = False
if 'user_acts' in kwargs and kwargs['user_acts'] is not None:
    for action in kwargs['user_acts']:
        if action.type is UserActionType.Bye:
            stop = True
    if 'sys_act' in kwargs and kwargs['sys_act'].type == SysActionType.Bye:
        stop = True


for module in self.modules:

kwargs output change in diff stage


In _start_dialog <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x16453c5d0> {}
In _start_dialog <modules.nlu.nlu.HandcraftedNLU object at 0x155a86b10> {}
In _start_dialog <modules.bst.bst.HandcraftedBST object at 0x13bb40b90> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 0.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}}
In _start_dialog <modules.policy.policy_handcrafted.HandcraftedPolicy object at 0x16453c190> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 0.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}}
In _start_dialog <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x16453c390> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 0.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}}
In _start_dialog <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleOutput object at 0x16453c350> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 0.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}}
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x16453c5d0> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 0.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': '', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>}
logger: # DIALOG 0 STARTED #
logger: # TURN 0 #
logger: User Actions: []
logger: System Action: bad()
In _forward_turn <modules.nlu.nlu.HandcraftedNLU object at 0x155a86b10> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 0.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': '', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': []}
In _forward_turn <modules.bst.bst.HandcraftedBST object at 0x13bb40b90> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 0.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 30, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': '', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': []}
In _forward_turn <modules.policy.policy_handcrafted.HandcraftedPolicy object at 0x16453c190> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 0.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 30, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': '', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
In _forward_turn <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x16453c390> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 0.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 30, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': '', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
System: Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleOutput object at 0x16453c350> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 0.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 30, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': '', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
>>> logger: # TURN 1 #
I am looking for a professor
logger: User Utterance: I am looking for a professor
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("I am looking for a professor", UserActionType.Inform, name, stephen king, 1.0), UserAct("I am looking for a professor", UserActionType.Inform, position, professor, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: inform_byname(name="['stephen king']")
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x16453c5d0> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 0.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 30, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'I am looking for a professor', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.nlu.nlu.HandcraftedNLU object at 0x155a86b10> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 0.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 30, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'I am looking for a professor', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("I am looking for a professor", UserActionType.Inform, name, stephen king, 1.0), UserAct("I am looking for a professor", UserActionType.Inform, position, professor, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.bst.bst.HandcraftedBST object at 0x13bb40b90> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'I am looking for a professor', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("I am looking for a professor", UserActionType.Inform, name, stephen king, 1.0), UserAct("I am looking for a professor", UserActionType.Inform, position, professor, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.policy.policy_handcrafted.HandcraftedPolicy object at 0x16453c190> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'I am looking for a professor', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("I am looking for a professor", UserActionType.Inform, name, stephen king, 1.0), UserAct("I am looking for a professor", UserActionType.Inform, position, professor, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
logger: # TURN 2 #
In _forward_turn <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x16453c390> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'I am looking for a professor', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("I am looking for a professor", UserActionType.Inform, name, stephen king, 1.0), UserAct("I am looking for a professor", UserActionType.Inform, position, professor, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'There is a lecturer named Stephen King. What do you want to know about him?'}
System: There is a lecturer named Stephen King. What do you want to know about him?
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleOutput object at 0x16453c350> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'I am looking for a professor', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("I am looking for a professor", UserActionType.Inform, name, stephen king, 1.0), UserAct("I am looking for a professor", UserActionType.Inform, position, professor, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'There is a lecturer named Stephen King. What do you want to know about him?'}
>>> everything
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x16453c5d0> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'everything', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("I am looking for a professor", UserActionType.Inform, name, stephen king, 1.0), UserAct("I am looking for a professor", UserActionType.Inform, position, professor, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
logger: User Utterance: everything
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("everything", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: bad()
            , name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'There is a lecturer named Stephen King. What do you want to know about him?'}
In _forward_turn <modules.nlu.nlu.HandcraftedNLU object at 0x155a86b10> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'everything', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("everything", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'There is a lecturer named Stephen King. What do you want to know about him?'}
In _forward_turn <modules.bst.bst.HandcraftedBST object at 0x13bb40b90> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'everything', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("everything", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'There is a lecturer named Stephen King. What do you want to know about him?'}
In _forward_turn <modules.policy.policy_handcrafted.HandcraftedPolicy object at 0x16453c190> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'everything', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("everything", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'There is a lecturer named Stephen King. What do you want to know about him?'}
logger: # TURN 3 #
In _forward_turn <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x16453c390> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'everything', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("everything", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
System: Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleOutput object at 0x16453c350> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'everything', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("everything", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
>>> tell me all about him
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x16453c5d0> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'tell me all about him', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("everything", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
logger: User Utterance: tell me all about him
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("tell me all about him", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: bad()
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.nlu.nlu.HandcraftedNLU object at 0x155a86b10> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'tell me all about him', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("tell me all about him", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.bst.bst.HandcraftedBST object at 0x13bb40b90> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'tell me all about him', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("tell me all about him", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.policy.policy_handcrafted.HandcraftedPolicy object at 0x16453c190> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'tell me all about him', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("tell me all about him", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
logger: # TURN 4 #
In _forward_turn <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x16453c390> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'tell me all about him', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("tell me all about him", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
System: Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleOutput object at 0x16453c350> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'tell me all about him', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("tell me all about him", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
>>> what is his name
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x16453c5d0> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his name', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("tell me all about him", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.nlu.nlu.HandcraftedNLU object at 0x155a86b10> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his name', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his name", UserActionType.Request, name, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.bst.bst.HandcraftedBST object at 0x13bb40b90> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 1.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his name', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his name", UserActionType.Request, name, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.policy.policy_handcrafted.HandcraftedPolicy object at 0x16453c190> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 1.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his name', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his name", UserActionType.Request, name, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
logger: User Utterance: what is his name
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("what is his name", UserActionType.Request, name, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: inform_byname(name="['stephen king']")
logger: # TURN 5 #
In _forward_turn <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x16453c390> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 1.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his name', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his name", UserActionType.Request, name, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'There is a lecturer named Stephen King. What do you want to know about him?'}
System: There is a lecturer named Stephen King. What do you want to know about him?
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleOutput object at 0x16453c350> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 1.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his name', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his name", UserActionType.Request, name, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'There is a lecturer named Stephen King. What do you want to know about him?'}
>>> what did he teach
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x16453c5d0> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 1.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what did he teach', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his name", UserActionType.Request, name, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'There is a lecturer named Stephen King. What do you want to know about him?'}
In _forward_turn <modules.nlu.nlu.HandcraftedNLU object at 0x155a86b10> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 1.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what did he teach', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what did he teach", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'There is a lecturer named Stephen King. What do you want to know about him?'}
In _forward_turn <modules.bst.bst.HandcraftedBST object at 0x13bb40b90> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 1.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what did he teach', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what did he teach", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'There is a lecturer named Stephen King. What do you want to know about him?'}
In _forward_turn <modules.policy.policy_handcrafted.HandcraftedPolicy object at 0x16453c190> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 1.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what did he teach', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what did he teach", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'There is a lecturer named Stephen King. What do you want to know about him?'}
logger: User Utterance: what did he teach
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("what did he teach", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: bad()
logger: # TURN 6 #
In _forward_turn <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x16453c390> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 1.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what did he teach', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what did he teach", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
System: Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleOutput object at 0x16453c350> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 1.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what did he teach', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what did he teach", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
>>> what is his phone
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x16453c5d0> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 1.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his phone', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what did he teach", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
logger: User Utterance: what is his phone
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("what is his phone", UserActionType.Request, phone, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: inform_byname(phone="['0711/123456']",name="['stephen king']")
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.nlu.nlu.HandcraftedNLU object at 0x155a86b10> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 1.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his phone', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his phone", UserActionType.Request, phone, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.bst.bst.HandcraftedBST object at 0x13bb40b90> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 1.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his phone', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his phone", UserActionType.Request, phone, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.policy.policy_handcrafted.HandcraftedPolicy object at 0x16453c190> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 1.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his phone', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his phone", UserActionType.Request, phone, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , phone="['0711/123456']",name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
logger: # TURN 7 #
In _forward_turn <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x16453c390> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 1.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his phone', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his phone", UserActionType.Request, phone, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , phone="['0711/123456']",name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': "Stephen King's phone number is 0711/123456."}
System: Stephen King's phone number is 0711/123456.
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleOutput object at 0x16453c350> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 1.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his phone', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his phone", UserActionType.Request, phone, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , phone="['0711/123456']",name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': "Stephen King's phone number is 0711/123456."}
>>> i want to know all about he
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x16453c5d0> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 1.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'i want to know all about he', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his phone", UserActionType.Request, phone, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
logger: User Utterance: i want to know all about he
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("i want to know all about he", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: bad()
            , phone="['0711/123456']",name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': "Stephen King's phone number is 0711/123456."}
In _forward_turn <modules.nlu.nlu.HandcraftedNLU object at 0x155a86b10> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 1.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'i want to know all about he', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("i want to know all about he", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , phone="['0711/123456']",name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': "Stephen King's phone number is 0711/123456."}
In _forward_turn <modules.bst.bst.HandcraftedBST object at 0x13bb40b90> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 1.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'i want to know all about he', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("i want to know all about he", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , phone="['0711/123456']",name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': "Stephen King's phone number is 0711/123456."}
In _forward_turn <modules.policy.policy_handcrafted.HandcraftedPolicy object at 0x16453c190> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 1.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'i want to know all about he', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("i want to know all about he", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': "Stephen King's phone number is 0711/123456."}
logger: # TURN 8 #
In _forward_turn <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x16453c390> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 1.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'i want to know all about he', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("i want to know all about he", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
System: Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleOutput object at 0x16453c350> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 1.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'i want to know all about he', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("i want to know all about he", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
>>> what is his position
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x16453c5d0> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 1.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his position', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("i want to know all about he", UserActionType.Bad, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
logger: User Utterance: what is his position
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("what is his position", UserActionType.Request, position, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: inform_byname(position="['phd']",name="['stephen king']")
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.nlu.nlu.HandcraftedNLU object at 0x155a86b10> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 1.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 1.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 0.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his position', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his position", UserActionType.Request, position, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.bst.bst.HandcraftedBST object at 0x13bb40b90> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his position', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his position", UserActionType.Request, position, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bad
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.policy.policy_handcrafted.HandcraftedPolicy object at 0x16453c190> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his position', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his position", UserActionType.Request, position, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , position="['phd']",name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
logger: # TURN 9 #
In _forward_turn <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x16453c390> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his position', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his position", UserActionType.Request, position, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , position="['phd']",name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'Stephen King is a PhD student at the IMS.'}
System: Stephen King is a PhD student at the IMS.
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleOutput object at 0x16453c350> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'what is his position', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his position", UserActionType.Request, position, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , position="['phd']",name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'Stephen King is a PhD student at the IMS.'}
>>> thanks
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x16453c5d0> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'thanks', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("what is his position", UserActionType.Request, position, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
logger: User Utterance: thanks
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("thanks", UserActionType.Thanks, None, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: reqmore()
            , position="['phd']",name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'Stephen King is a PhD student at the IMS.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.nlu.nlu.HandcraftedNLU object at 0x155a86b10> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'thanks', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("thanks", UserActionType.Thanks, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , position="['phd']",name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'Stephen King is a PhD student at the IMS.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.bst.bst.HandcraftedBST object at 0x13bb40b90> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 1.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'thanks', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("thanks", UserActionType.Thanks, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.InformByName
            , position="['phd']",name="['stephen king']"), 'sys_utterance': 'Stephen King is a PhD student at the IMS.'}
In _forward_turn <modules.policy.policy_handcrafted.HandcraftedPolicy object at 0x16453c190> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 1.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'thanks', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("thanks", UserActionType.Thanks, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.RequestMore
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Stephen King is a PhD student at the IMS.'}
logger: # TURN 10 #
In _forward_turn <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x16453c390> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 1.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'thanks', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("thanks", UserActionType.Thanks, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.RequestMore
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Can I help you with anything else?'}
System: Can I help you with anything else?
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleOutput object at 0x16453c350> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 1.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'thanks', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("thanks", UserActionType.Thanks, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.RequestMore
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Can I help you with anything else?'}
>>> bye
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x16453c5d0> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 1.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'bye', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("thanks", UserActionType.Thanks, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.RequestMore
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Can I help you with anything else?'}
In _forward_turn <modules.nlu.nlu.HandcraftedNLU object at 0x155a86b10> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 0.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 1.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'bye', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("bye", UserActionType.Bye, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.RequestMore
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Can I help you with anything else?'}
In _forward_turn <modules.bst.bst.HandcraftedBST object at 0x13bb40b90> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 1.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'bye', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("bye", UserActionType.Bye, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.RequestMore
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Can I help you with anything else?'}
In _forward_turn <modules.policy.policy_handcrafted.HandcraftedPolicy object at 0x16453c190> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 1.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'bye', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("bye", UserActionType.Bye, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bye
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Can I help you with anything else?'}
logger: User Utterance: bye
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("bye", UserActionType.Bye, None, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: closingmsg()
In _forward_turn <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x16453c390> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 1.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'bye', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("bye", UserActionType.Bye, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bye
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Thank you, goodbye.'}
System: Thank you, goodbye.
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleOutput object at 0x16453c350> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 1.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'bye', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("bye", UserActionType.Bye, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bye
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Thank you, goodbye.'}
In _end_dialog <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x16453c5d0> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 1.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'bye', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("bye", UserActionType.Bye, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bye
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Thank you, goodbye.'}
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Thank you, goodbye.'}
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Thank you, goodbye.'}
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Thank you, goodbye.'}
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Thank you, goodbye.'}
In _end_dialog <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleOutput object at 0x16453c350> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'department': 0.0, 'office_hours': 0.0, 'mail': 0.0, 'phone': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'position': 1.0}, 'department': {'external': 0.0, 'foundations': 0.0, 'phonetics': 0.0, 'theory': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'anne frank': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. sarah williams': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. virginia woolf': 0.0, 'beatrix potter': 0.0, 'dr. emily dickinson': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'dr. william shakespeare': 0.0, 'edgar allan poe': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'james joyce': 0.0, 'jane austen': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'margaret thatcher': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'simone de beauvoir': 0.0, 'stephen king': 1.0, 'univ. prof. dr. chimamanda ngozi adichie': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. hermann hesse': 0.0, 'victor hugo': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'position': {'adviser': 0.0, 'erasmus': 0.0, 'examination': 0.0, 'gender': 0.0, 'phd': 0.0, 'postdoc': 0.0, 'professor': 1.0, 'senate': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 1.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'stephen king', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 0, 'discriminable': False, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': None}}, 'user_utterance': 'bye', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("bye", UserActionType.Bye, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bye
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Thank you, goodbye.'}
logger: # DIALOG 0 FINISHED #


logger: # DIALOG 0 STARTED #
logger: # TURN 0 #
In _start_dialog <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x15f27ff10> {}
In _start_dialog <modules.nlu.nlu.HandcraftedNLU object at 0x15f22ead0> {}
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logger: User Actions: []
logger: System Action: bad()
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logger: # TURN 1 #
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
System: Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
>>> hi
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logger: User Utterance: hi
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("hi", UserActionType.Hello, None, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: request(ects)
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
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            , ects), 'sys_utterance': 'Sorry I am a bit confused; please tell me again what you are looking for.'}
logger: # TURN 2 #
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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 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            , ects), 'sys_utterance': 'How many credit points shall the course yield?'}
System: How many credit points shall the course yield?
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            , ects), 'sys_utterance': 'How many credit points shall the course yield?'}
>>> 3
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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 1.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 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logger: User Utterance: 3
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("3", UserActionType.Inform, ects, 3, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: request(speech)
            , ects), 'sys_utterance': 'How many credit points shall the course yield?'}
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            , ects), 'sys_utterance': 'How many credit points shall the course yield?'}
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            , ects), 'sys_utterance': 'How many credit points shall the course yield?'}
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            , speech), 'sys_utterance': 'How many credit points shall the course yield?'}
logger: # TURN 3 #
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            , speech), 'sys_utterance': 'Shall the course be related to speech?'}
System: Shall the course be related to speech?
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            , speech), 'sys_utterance': 'Shall the course be related to speech?'}
>>> yes
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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 1.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 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logger: User Utterance: yes
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("yes", UserActionType.Inform, speech, true, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: request(linguistics)
            , speech), 'sys_utterance': 'Shall the course be related to speech?'}
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            , speech), 'sys_utterance': 'Shall the course be related to speech?'}
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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 1.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 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            , speech), 'sys_utterance': 'Shall the course be related to speech?'}
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            , linguistics), 'sys_utterance': 'Shall the course be related to speech?'}
logger: # TURN 4 #
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            , linguistics), 'sys_utterance': 'Shall the course be related to linguistics?'}
System: Shall the course be related to linguistics?
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            , linguistics), 'sys_utterance': 'Shall the course be related to linguistics?'}
>>> yes
In _forward_turn <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleInput object at 0x15f27ff10> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'id': 0.0, 'ects': 0.0, 'turn': 0.0, 'sws': 0.0, 'lang': 0.0, 'lecturer': 0.0, 'module_id': 0.0, 'module_name': 0.0, 'course_type': 0.0, 'time_slot': 0.0, 'description': 0.0, 'bachelor': 0.0, 'master': 0.0, 'elective': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'requirements': 0.0, 'examination_style': 0.0, 'project': 0.0, 'written_exam': 0.0, 'oral_exam': 0.0, 'presentation': 0.0, 'report': 0.0, 'participation_limit': 0.0, 'obligatory_attendance': 0.0, 'speech': 0.0, 'linguistics': 0.0, 'applied_nlp': 0.0, 'machine_learning': 0.0, 'deep_learning': 0.0, 'cognitive_science': 0.0, 'semantics': 0.0, 'syntax': 0.0, 'statistics': 0.0, 'programming': 0.0, 'extendable': 0.0}, 'applied_nlp': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 1.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 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logger: User Utterance: yes
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("yes", UserActionType.Inform, linguistics, true, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: request(lang)
            , linguistics), 'sys_utterance': 'Shall the course be related to linguistics?'}
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            , linguistics), 'sys_utterance': 'Shall the course be related to linguistics?'}
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            , linguistics), 'sys_utterance': 'Shall the course be related to linguistics?'}
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            , lang), 'sys_utterance': 'Shall the course be related to linguistics?'}
In _forward_turn <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x15f27ff50> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'id': 0.0, 'ects': 0.0, 'turn': 0.0, 'sws': 0.0, 'lang': 0.0, 'lecturer': 0.0, 'module_id': 0.0, 'module_name': 0.0, 'course_type': 0.0, 'time_slot': 0.0, 'description': 0.0, 'bachelor': 0.0, 'master': 0.0, 'elective': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'requirements': 0.0, 'examination_style': 0.0, 'project': 0.0, 'written_exam': 0.0, 'oral_exam': 0.0, 'presentation': 0.0, 'report': 0.0, 'participation_limit': 0.0, 'obligatory_attendance': 0.0, 'speech': 0.0, 'linguistics': 0.0, 'applied_nlp': 0.0, 'machine_learning': 0.0, 'deep_learning': 0.0, 'cognitive_science': 0.0, 'semantics': 0.0, 'syntax': 0.0, 'statistics': 0.0, 'programming': 0.0, 'extendable': 0.0}, 'applied_nlp': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 1.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 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            , lang), 'sys_utterance': 'In which language shall the course be held?'}
System: In which language shall the course be held?
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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 1.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 3, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': 'lang'}}, 'user_utterance': 'yes', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("yes", UserActionType.Inform, linguistics, true, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Request
            , lang), 'sys_utterance': 'In which language shall the course be held?'}
>>> logger: # TURN 5 #
logger: User Utterance: english
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("english", UserActionType.Inform, lang, en, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: inform_byname(name="['ethics and nlp']",ects="['3']",lang="['en']",linguistics="['true']",speech="['true']")
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0.0, '57030': 0.0, '67370': 0.0, '67380': 0.0, '68430': 0.0, '68460': 0.0, '72270': 0.0, '72450': 0.0, '72820': 0.0, '72850': 0.0, '73530': 0.0, '74180': 0.0, '75510': 0.0, '75680': 0.0, '75690': 0.0, 'na': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'module_name': {'advanced computational semantics': 0.0, 'advanced semantics': 0.0, 'algorithmisches sprachverstehen': 0.0, 'bedeutung im kontext': 0.0, 'computational linguistics team laboratory': 0.0, 'distributional and statistical approaches to semantics': 0.0, 'empirische methoden der maschinellen sprachverarbeitung': 0.0, 'ethics and nlp': 0.0, 'foundations of cognitive science': 0.0, 'grundlagentechnologien für die sprachverarbeitung': 0.0, 'information retrieval and text mining': 0.0, 'language and speech in the human brain: advanced methods in neurolinguistics and neurophonetics': 0.0, 'logik und diskrete strukturen für die maschinelle sprachverarbeitung': 0.0, 'meaning and interpretation': 0.0, 'parsing': 0.0, 'speech recognition and 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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 1.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 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            , lang), 'sys_utterance': 'In which language shall the course be held?'}
In _forward_turn <modules.nlu.nlu.HandcraftedNLU object at 0x15f22ead0> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'id': 0.0, 'ects': 0.0, 'turn': 0.0, 'sws': 0.0, 'lang': 0.0, 'lecturer': 0.0, 'module_id': 0.0, 'module_name': 0.0, 'course_type': 0.0, 'time_slot': 0.0, 'description': 0.0, 'bachelor': 0.0, 'master': 0.0, 'elective': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'requirements': 0.0, 'examination_style': 0.0, 'project': 0.0, 'written_exam': 0.0, 'oral_exam': 0.0, 'presentation': 0.0, 'report': 0.0, 'participation_limit': 0.0, 'obligatory_attendance': 0.0, 'speech': 0.0, 'linguistics': 0.0, 'applied_nlp': 0.0, 'machine_learning': 0.0, 'deep_learning': 0.0, 'cognitive_science': 0.0, 'semantics': 0.0, 'syntax': 0.0, 'statistics': 0.0, 'programming': 0.0, 'extendable': 0.0}, 'applied_nlp': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 1.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 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            , lang), 'sys_utterance': 'In which language shall the course be held?'}
In _forward_turn <modules.bst.bst.HandcraftedBST object at 0x136881550> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 1.0, 'name': 0.0, 'id': 0.0, 'ects': 0.0, 'turn': 0.0, 'sws': 0.0, 'lang': 0.0, 'lecturer': 0.0, 'module_id': 0.0, 'module_name': 0.0, 'course_type': 0.0, 'time_slot': 0.0, 'description': 0.0, 'bachelor': 0.0, 'master': 0.0, 'elective': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'requirements': 0.0, 'examination_style': 0.0, 'project': 0.0, 'written_exam': 0.0, 'oral_exam': 0.0, 'presentation': 0.0, 'report': 0.0, 'participation_limit': 0.0, 'obligatory_attendance': 0.0, 'speech': 0.0, 'linguistics': 0.0, 'applied_nlp': 0.0, 'machine_learning': 0.0, 'deep_learning': 0.0, 'cognitive_science': 0.0, 'semantics': 0.0, 'syntax': 0.0, 'statistics': 0.0, 'programming': 0.0, 'extendable': 0.0}, 'applied_nlp': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 1.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': '**NONE**', 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            , lang), 'sys_utterance': 'In which language shall the course be held?'}
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            , name="['ethics and nlp']",ects="['3']",lang="['en']",linguistics="['true']",speech="['true']"), 'sys_utterance': 'In which language shall the course be held?'}
logger: # TURN 6 #
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System: The course ethics and nlp is worth 3 ECTS, it is offered in English, it is related to linguistics and it is related to speech.
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>>> who is the lecturer
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logger: User Utterance: who is the lecturer
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("who is the lecturer", UserActionType.Request, lecturer, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: inform_byname(lecturer="['george orwell']",name="['ethics and nlp']")
            , name="['ethics and nlp']",ects="['3']",lang="['en']",linguistics="['true']",speech="['true']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is worth 3 ECTS, it is offered in English, it is related to linguistics and it is related to speech.'}
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            , name="['ethics and nlp']",ects="['3']",lang="['en']",linguistics="['true']",speech="['true']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is worth 3 ECTS, it is offered in English, it is related to linguistics and it is related to speech.'}
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            , lecturer="['george orwell']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is worth 3 ECTS, it is offered in English, it is related to linguistics and it is related to speech.'}
logger: # TURN 7 #
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            , lecturer="['george orwell']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is taught by George Orwell.'}
System: The course ethics and nlp is taught by George Orwell.
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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'ethics and nlp', 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            , lecturer="['george orwell']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is taught by George Orwell.'}
>>> where is the classroom
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logger: User Utterance: where is the classroom
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("where is the classroom", UserActionType.Request, room, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: inform_byname(room="['v 5.01 (pfaffenwaldring 5b)']",name="['ethics and nlp']")
            , lecturer="['george orwell']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is taught by George Orwell.'}
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            , lecturer="['george orwell']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is taught by George Orwell.'}
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            , lecturer="['george orwell']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is taught by George Orwell.'}
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            , room="['v 5.01 (pfaffenwaldring 5b)']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is taught by George Orwell.'}
logger: # TURN 8 #
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            , room="['v 5.01 (pfaffenwaldring 5b)']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp takes place in room v 5.01 (pfaffenwaldring 5b).'}
System: The course ethics and nlp takes place in room v 5.01 (pfaffenwaldring 5b).
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            , room="['v 5.01 (pfaffenwaldring 5b)']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp takes place in room v 5.01 (pfaffenwaldring 5b).'}
>>> when is the exam
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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'ethics and nlp', 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logger: User Utterance: when is the exam
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("when is the exam", UserActionType.Request, turn, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: inform_byname(turn="['sose']",name="['ethics and nlp']")
            , room="['v 5.01 (pfaffenwaldring 5b)']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp takes place in room v 5.01 (pfaffenwaldring 5b).'}
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            , room="['v 5.01 (pfaffenwaldring 5b)']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp takes place in room v 5.01 (pfaffenwaldring 5b).'}
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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'ethics and nlp', 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            , room="['v 5.01 (pfaffenwaldring 5b)']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp takes place in room v 5.01 (pfaffenwaldring 5b).'}
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            , turn="['sose']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp takes place in room v 5.01 (pfaffenwaldring 5b).'}
logger: # TURN 9 #
In _forward_turn <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x15f27ff50> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'id': 0.0, 'ects': 0.0, 'turn': 1.0, 'sws': 0.0, 'lang': 0.0, 'lecturer': 0.0, 'module_id': 0.0, 'module_name': 0.0, 'course_type': 0.0, 'time_slot': 0.0, 'description': 0.0, 'bachelor': 0.0, 'master': 0.0, 'elective': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'requirements': 0.0, 'examination_style': 0.0, 'project': 0.0, 'written_exam': 0.0, 'oral_exam': 0.0, 'presentation': 0.0, 'report': 0.0, 'participation_limit': 0.0, 'obligatory_attendance': 0.0, 'speech': 0.0, 'linguistics': 0.0, 'applied_nlp': 0.0, 'machine_learning': 0.0, 'deep_learning': 0.0, 'cognitive_science': 0.0, 'semantics': 0.0, 'syntax': 0.0, 'statistics': 0.0, 'programming': 0.0, 'extendable': 0.0}, 'applied_nlp': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 1.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'ethics and nlp', 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            , turn="['sose']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is offered in the summer semester.'}
System: The course ethics and nlp is offered in the summer semester.
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            , turn="['sose']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is offered in the summer semester.'}
>>> I want course related to machine learning
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logger: User Utterance: I want course related to machine learning
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("I want course related to machine learning", UserActionType.Inform, machine_learning, true, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: inform_byname(name="['ethics and nlp']",ects="['3']",lang="['en']",linguistics="['true']",machine_learning="['true']",speech="['true']")
            , turn="['sose']",name="['ethics and nlp']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is offered in the summer semester.'}
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            , name="['ethics and nlp']",ects="['3']",lang="['en']",linguistics="['true']",machine_learning="['true']",speech="['true']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is offered in the summer semester.'}
logger: # TURN 10 #
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            , name="['ethics and nlp']",ects="['3']",lang="['en']",linguistics="['true']",machine_learning="['true']",speech="['true']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is worth 3 ECTS, it is offered in English, it is related to linguistics, it is about machine learning and it is related to speech.'}
System: The course ethics and nlp is worth 3 ECTS, it is offered in English, it is related to linguistics, it is about machine learning and it is related to speech.
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            , name="['ethics and nlp']",ects="['3']",lang="['en']",linguistics="['true']",machine_learning="['true']",speech="['true']"), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is worth 3 ECTS, it is offered in English, it is related to linguistics, it is about machine learning and it is related to speech.'}
>>> thanks
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logger: User Utterance: thanks
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("thanks", UserActionType.Thanks, None, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: reqmore()
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'The course ethics and nlp is worth 3 ECTS, it is offered in English, it is related to linguistics, it is about machine learning and it is related to speech.'}
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Can I help you with anything else?'}
System: Can I help you with anything else?
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Can I help you with anything else?'}
>>> logger: # TURN 11 #
logger: User Utterance: bye
logger: User Actions: [UserAct("bye", UserActionType.Bye, None, None, 1.0)]
logger: System Action: closingmsg()
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Can I help you with anything else?'}
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Can I help you with anything else?'}
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Can I help you with anything else?'}
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Can I help you with anything else?'}
In _forward_turn <modules.nlg.nlg.HandcraftedNLG object at 0x15f27ff50> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'id': 0.0, 'ects': 0.0, 'turn': 1.0, 'sws': 0.0, 'lang': 0.0, 'lecturer': 0.0, 'module_id': 0.0, 'module_name': 0.0, 'course_type': 0.0, 'time_slot': 0.0, 'description': 0.0, 'bachelor': 0.0, 'master': 0.0, 'elective': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'requirements': 0.0, 'examination_style': 0.0, 'project': 0.0, 'written_exam': 0.0, 'oral_exam': 0.0, 'presentation': 0.0, 'report': 0.0, 'participation_limit': 0.0, 'obligatory_attendance': 0.0, 'speech': 0.0, 'linguistics': 0.0, 'applied_nlp': 0.0, 'machine_learning': 0.0, 'deep_learning': 0.0, 'cognitive_science': 0.0, 'semantics': 0.0, 'syntax': 0.0, 'statistics': 0.0, 'programming': 0.0, 'extendable': 0.0}, 'applied_nlp': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 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{'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 1.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'ethics and nlp', 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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Thank you, goodbye.'}
System: Thank you, goodbye.
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Thank you, goodbye.'}
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            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Thank you, goodbye.'}
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0.0, '67370': 0.0, '67380': 0.0, '68430': 0.0, '68460': 0.0, '72270': 0.0, '72450': 0.0, '72820': 0.0, '72850': 0.0, '73530': 0.0, '74180': 0.0, '75510': 0.0, '75680': 0.0, '75690': 0.0, 'na': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'module_name': {'advanced computational semantics': 0.0, 'advanced semantics': 0.0, 'algorithmisches sprachverstehen': 0.0, 'bedeutung im kontext': 0.0, 'computational linguistics team laboratory': 0.0, 'distributional and statistical approaches to semantics': 0.0, 'empirische methoden der maschinellen sprachverarbeitung': 0.0, 'ethics and nlp': 0.0, 'foundations of cognitive science': 0.0, 'grundlagentechnologien für die sprachverarbeitung': 0.0, 'information retrieval and text mining': 0.0, 'language and speech in the human brain: advanced methods in neurolinguistics and neurophonetics': 0.0, 'logik und diskrete strukturen für die maschinelle sprachverarbeitung': 0.0, 'meaning and interpretation': 0.0, 'parsing': 0.0, 'speech recognition and synthesis': 0.0, 'speech signal processing and microphone array processing': 0.0, 'spoken language processing': 0.0, 'spoken language understanding': 0.0, 'sprachsynthese und spracherkennung': 0.0, 'statistical machine translation': 0.0, 'topics in cognitive science': 0.0, 'topics in computational semantics': 0.0, 'topics in phonetics': 0.0, 'na': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'advanced computational semantics': 0.0, 'advanced speech perception': 0.0, 'algorithmisches sprachverstehen': 0.0, 'cognitive and computational models of metaphorical language': 0.0, 'computational linguistics team  laboratory': 0.0, 'computational linguistics team  laboratory: phonetics': 0.0, 'dialog modeling': 0.0, 'empirische methoden der maschinellen sprachverarbeitung': 0.0, 'ethics and nlp': 0.0, 'hot and odd topics in semantics': 0.0, 'information retrieval and text mining': 0.0, 'introduction and application of programming in r': 0.0, 'introduction to psycholinguistics': 0.0, 'lexical semantic change detection': 0.0, 'lexical semantics. space as seen through the eyes of natural language': 0.0, 'lexical semantics: language and force': 0.0, 'logik und diskrete strukturen für die maschinelle sprachverarbeitung': 0.0, 'modeling morphology with distributional semantics': 0.0, 'narrative perspective and focalization': 0.0, 'parsing': 0.0, 'pragmatik': 0.0, 'speech signal processing and microphone array processing': 0.0, 'speech signal processing and speech enhancement': 0.0, 'speech synthesis': 0.0, 'spoken language processing': 0.0, 'sprache und gehirn': 0.0, 'sprachsynthese und spracherkennung': 0.0, 'statistical machine translation': 0.0, 'topics in pragmatics': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'obligatory_attendance': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'oral_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'participation_limit': {'no': 0.0, 'yes': 0.0, 'na': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'presentation': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 1.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'ethics and nlp', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 2, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': 'lang'}}, 'user_utterance': 'bye', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("bye", UserActionType.Bye, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bye
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Thank you, goodbye.'}
In _end_dialog <modules.surfaces.console.ConsoleOutput object at 0x15f27fed0> {'beliefstate': {'beliefs': {'discourseAct': {'ack': 0.0, 'hello': 0.0, 'none': 1.0, 'repeat': 0.0, 'silence': 0.0, 'thanks': 0.0, 'bad': 0.0}, 'requested': {'**NONE**': 0.0, 'name': 0.0, 'id': 0.0, 'ects': 0.0, 'turn': 1.0, 'sws': 0.0, 'lang': 0.0, 'lecturer': 0.0, 'module_id': 0.0, 'module_name': 0.0, 'course_type': 0.0, 'time_slot': 0.0, 'description': 0.0, 'bachelor': 0.0, 'master': 0.0, 'elective': 0.0, 'room': 0.0, 'requirements': 0.0, 'examination_style': 0.0, 'project': 0.0, 'written_exam': 0.0, 'oral_exam': 0.0, 'presentation': 0.0, 'report': 0.0, 'participation_limit': 0.0, 'obligatory_attendance': 0.0, 'speech': 0.0, 'linguistics': 0.0, 'applied_nlp': 0.0, 'machine_learning': 0.0, 'deep_learning': 0.0, 'cognitive_science': 0.0, 'semantics': 0.0, 'syntax': 0.0, 'statistics': 0.0, 'programming': 0.0, 'extendable': 0.0}, 'applied_nlp': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'bachelor': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'cognitive_science': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'course_type': {'se': 0.0, 'ue': 0.0, 'vo': 0.0, 'vu': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'deep_learning': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'ects': {'3': 1.0, '6': 0.0, '9': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'elective': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'extendable': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'id': {'400000007': 0.0, '401018000': 0.0, '401316000': 0.0, '401396000': 0.0, '401400040': 0.0, '401404000': 0.0, '401426001': 0.0, '401516000': 0.0, '401516001': 0.0, '401516004': 0.0, '401516009': 0.0, '401517005': 0.0, '401600001': 0.0, '403000001': 0.0, '403000002': 0.0, '403160600': 0.0, '403160601': 0.0, '403500300': 0.0, '403500301': 0.0, '403504000': 0.0, '403519000': 0.0, '403519010': 0.0, '403529000': 0.0, '403535060': 0.0, '403535091': 0.0, '403543000': 0.0, '403549000': 0.0, '403560000': 0.0, '405300000': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'lang': {'de': 0.0, 'en': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'lecturer': {'angeles mastretta': 0.0, 'apl. prof. dr. agatha christie': 0.0, 'dr. joanne rowling': 0.0, 'dr. jose saramago': 0.0, 'dr. rosario castellanos': 0.0, 'elena garro': 0.0, 'ernest hemingway': 0.0, 'franz kafka': 0.0, 'fyodor dostoevsky': 0.0, 'george orwell': 0.0, 'isabel allende': 0.0, 'lewis carroll': 0.0, 'oscar wilde': 0.0, 'univ. prof. dr. gabriel garcia marquez': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'linguistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'machine_learning': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'master': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'module_id': {'10180': 0.0, '13270': 0.0, '13960': 0.0, '14040': 0.0, '35190': 0.0, '35210': 0.0, '35350': 0.0, '35360': 0.0, '35410': 0.0, '35520': 0.0, '57030': 0.0, '67370': 0.0, '67380': 0.0, '68430': 0.0, '68460': 0.0, '72270': 0.0, '72450': 0.0, '72820': 0.0, '72850': 0.0, '73530': 0.0, '74180': 0.0, '75510': 0.0, '75680': 0.0, '75690': 0.0, 'na': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'module_name': {'advanced computational semantics': 0.0, 'advanced semantics': 0.0, 'algorithmisches sprachverstehen': 0.0, 'bedeutung im kontext': 0.0, 'computational linguistics team laboratory': 0.0, 'distributional and statistical approaches to semantics': 0.0, 'empirische methoden der maschinellen sprachverarbeitung': 0.0, 'ethics and nlp': 0.0, 'foundations of cognitive science': 0.0, 'grundlagentechnologien für die sprachverarbeitung': 0.0, 'information retrieval and text mining': 0.0, 'language and speech in the human brain: advanced methods in neurolinguistics and neurophonetics': 0.0, 'logik und diskrete strukturen für die maschinelle sprachverarbeitung': 0.0, 'meaning and interpretation': 0.0, 'parsing': 0.0, 'speech recognition and synthesis': 0.0, 'speech signal processing and microphone array processing': 0.0, 'spoken language processing': 0.0, 'spoken language understanding': 0.0, 'sprachsynthese und spracherkennung': 0.0, 'statistical machine translation': 0.0, 'topics in cognitive science': 0.0, 'topics in computational semantics': 0.0, 'topics in phonetics': 0.0, 'na': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'name': {'advanced computational semantics': 0.0, 'advanced speech perception': 0.0, 'algorithmisches sprachverstehen': 0.0, 'cognitive and computational models of metaphorical language': 0.0, 'computational linguistics team  laboratory': 0.0, 'computational linguistics team  laboratory: phonetics': 0.0, 'dialog modeling': 0.0, 'empirische methoden der maschinellen sprachverarbeitung': 0.0, 'ethics and nlp': 0.0, 'hot and odd topics in semantics': 0.0, 'information retrieval and text mining': 0.0, 'introduction and application of programming in r': 0.0, 'introduction to psycholinguistics': 0.0, 'lexical semantic change detection': 0.0, 'lexical semantics. space as seen through the eyes of natural language': 0.0, 'lexical semantics: language and force': 0.0, 'logik und diskrete strukturen für die maschinelle sprachverarbeitung': 0.0, 'modeling morphology with distributional semantics': 0.0, 'narrative perspective and focalization': 0.0, 'parsing': 0.0, 'pragmatik': 0.0, 'speech signal processing and microphone array processing': 0.0, 'speech signal processing and speech enhancement': 0.0, 'speech synthesis': 0.0, 'spoken language processing': 0.0, 'sprache und gehirn': 0.0, 'sprachsynthese und spracherkennung': 0.0, 'statistical machine translation': 0.0, 'topics in pragmatics': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'obligatory_attendance': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'oral_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'participation_limit': {'no': 0.0, 'yes': 0.0, 'na': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'presentation': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'programming': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'project': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'report': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'semantics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'speech': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 1.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'statistics': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'sws': {'2': 0.0, '4': 0.0, '6': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'syntax': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'turn': {'sose': 0.0, 'wise': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'written_exam': {'false': 0.0, 'true': 0.0, '**NONE**': 1.0, 'dontcare': 0.0}, 'method': {'none': 0.0, 'byconstraints': 0.0, 'byprimarykey': 0.0, 'finished': 1.0, 'byalternatives': 0.0, 'restart': 0.0}}, 'system': {'lastInformedPrimKeyVal': 'ethics and nlp', 'lastActionInformNone': False, 'offerHappened': False, 'db_matches': 2, 'discriminable': True, 'informedPrimKeyValsSinceNone': [], 'lastRequestSlot': 'lang'}}, 'user_utterance': 'bye', 'language': <Language.ENGLISH: 0>, 'user_acts': [UserAct("bye", UserActionType.Bye, None, None, 1.0)], 'sys_act': SysAct(act_type=SysActionType.Bye
            ), 'sys_utterance': 'Thank you, goodbye.'}
logger: # DIALOG 0 FINISHED #

in start (Module start_dialog func)

  • Input - return {}
  • NLU - set prev_sys_act = None and return {}
  • BST - {‘beliefstate’: BeliefState(self.domain)},
    • _history = init ontology and policy feature (by _init_beliefstate func) and
    • use repr : return str(self._history[-1])
    • {‘beliefstate’:{‘beliefs’:{},…},{‘system’:{},…}}
  • Policy - return {}
  • NLG - return {}
  • Output -return {}

in turn (Module forward func)

  • Input

    while utterance.strip() == '':
    utterance = input('>>> ')  
    return {'user_utterance': utterance, 'language': self.language}
    • {‘beliefstate’:{‘beliefs’:{},…},{‘system’:{},…},,‘user_utterance’:…, ‘language’: …}
  • NLU

    • init if first turn (read rule files(general,request,inform))
    • updating the previous system act if current system act is not Bad Act
    • _match_general_act
      • 如果有上轮system_act, 当前user的intent是affirm or deny, 就
        • 如果上轮system_act是confirm, user_acts就添加当前user的intent, 上轮system所有的slot和value
        • 如果上轮system_act是request, user_acts就添加上轮system所有的slot, value是true如果当前user的intent是affirm, 否则就false
        • 如果上轮system_act是requestMore, 当前user的intent是deny, user_acts就添加bye intent
      • 如果当前user的intent是duncare, 检查上一轮system是否为request或select, 如果是, user_acts就添加上轮system所有的slot,然后value=duncare,type=Inform
      • 如果当前user的intent是req_everything, set req_everything = True
      • 剩下的都是不依赖上轮system的act, 单独的user_act
    • _match_domain_specific_act
      • Iterates over all user request regexes and find matches with the user utterance
      • Iterates over all user inform slot-value regexes and find matches with the user utterance (如果req_everything, 添加USER_REQUESTABLE里面所有的slot)
    • _match_hard_coded_regexes
      • 这里handle UserActionType.RequestAlternatives
    • Solving ambiguities from regexes, especially with requests and informs happening simultaneously on the same slot and two slots taking the same value by
      • _disambiguate_co_occurrence
        • Check if there is user inform and request occur simultaneously for a binary slot
        • E.g. request(applied_nlp) & inform(applied_nlp=true)
        • delete by situation
      • _solve_informable_values
        • Verify if two or more informable slots with the same value were caught
        • E.g. If a system request precedes and the slot is the on of the two informable, keep that one; If there is no preceding request, take
    • _assign_scores
      • Goes over the user act list, checks concurrencies and assign scores
    • return {‘user_acts’: self.user_acts}
  • BST

    • copy last turn’s dict from state history and put into state history
    • _reset_informs
      • _handle_inform function can handle only 1 value per slot,but user could mention mutliple ones
      • self.inform_scores[slot][value] = 0.0
    • _update_methods
      • update methods by user actions
      • E.g. if UserActionType.Bye, method = ‘finished’
      • E.g. if UserActionType.Inform, method = ‘byprimarykey’ or ‘byconstraints’
      • update method score = 1.0
    • set discourseAct value = 0
    • _handle_user_acts !!
      • Updates the belief state based on the information contained in the user act(s)
      • for loop user_act, update the corresponding act in State and set score to 1
      • _normalize_inform_scores & _normalize_request_scores, to make sure the inform/request scores sum up to 1
    • update_num_dbmatches
      • Updates the belief state’s entry for the number of database matches given the constraints in the current turn.
      • candidates = get_most_probable_inf_beliefs
      • constraints = self._remove_dontcare_slots(candidates)
      • db_matches = self.domain.find_entities(constraints)
      • check if matching db entities could be discriminated by more information from user
    • return {‘beliefstate’: beliefstate}
  • Policy

    • Uses the current user action and system belief state to determine what the next system action should be
    • _check_for_gen_actions() - read through user action list
    • check if it is discourseAct, if not _next_action()
    • _next_action()
  • NLG - return {}

  • Output -return {}

in end (Module end_dialog func)

  • Input - return {}
  • NLU - set prev_sys_act = None and return {}
  • BST -
  • Policy - return {}
  • NLG - return {}
  • Output -return {}


Machine learning based belief state tracker is trained to predict the belief state directly from text without the need for an NLU. To track the constraints and requests issued by the user, feed system actions and user input turn-wise into a recurrent network and concatenate the resulting hidden states of both inputs before predicting the final belief state.

We dun use this since for our custom dialog, we dun have enough data to train(Not even enough transfer learning), so just stick with rule-based

Neural Belief Tracker: Data-Driven Dialogue State Tracking

论文地址, 作者是 Nikola Mrkšić, 发表于 2016 年, Github code (TF):


现代口语对话系统的核心组成部分之一是 belief tracker, 它可以在对话的每一步估计用户的目标. 然而, 目前大多数方法难以扩展到更大、更复杂的对话领域. 这是由于他们依赖:a)口语理解(Spoken Language Understanding, SLU)模型, 需要大量注释的训练数据;或者 b)手工制作的词汇表, 用于捕捉用户语言中的一些词语变种. 我们提出了一个新的 Neural Belief Tracking(NBT)框架, 通过将模型建立在表征学习(最新进展的表征学习, 即以前没有人用词向量去做过 DST)上以此克服了这些问题. NBT 模型对预训练的词向量进行推理, 学习将它们组合成用户话语(user utterances)和对话上下文(dialogue context)的分布式表示. …

串行化(pipelined)的多轮交互过程如下:用户问题(utterance)-> 语言理解(NLU)->当前轮意图+槽/槽值对->对话状态更新(DST,结合上下文的意图+槽名/槽值对)->根据对话状态确定回复策略(DM)->回复。

  • NLU: Natural Language Understanding
  • DST: Dialogue State Tracking
  • DM: Dialogue Management

其中,对DST更具体的描述是:用户每次说完后,系统都需要计算出一个状态。这个状态不仅体现用户当前的意图,还包含历史的对话(结构化)数据。有了这个(结构化表达的)状态,下游的对话管理模块可以进行确定性计算后给出反馈。这个不断更新状态的过程就叫做对话状态跟踪(Dialogue State Tracking)。

目前常用的定义是:对话状态 = 意图(intent)+ 槽/槽值对(slot-value pair)。 给出一个示例:

inform/request是意图,price/food/area是slot name,cheap/Thai/centre是slot value。每次用户说完后,系统都需要不断更新这个状态,为下游的对话管理提供信息



(1)模版匹配(Template Matching):利用模版实现槽值抽取;

(2)二分判别(Discriminative ):二分类每个槽-槽值对是否包含在咨询中;

(3)序列标注(Sequrence Labelling):将咨询中的每个词标注为是否是某个槽的槽值(常用CRF、RNN);

(4)语义分析(Semantic Parsing):将咨询转化为逻辑表达式。



口语对话系统(Spoken dialogue systems, SDS)允许用户通过交谈的方式与计算机进行交互.

基于任务的系统帮助用户实现目标, 比如找酒店或者预定航班. SDS 的其中一个模组 dialogue state tracking (DST) 用于解释用户输入并更新 belief state(系统对会话状态的内部表示(Young et al., 2010)). 这是下游 dialogue manager 用于决定系统下一步应执行操作的 dialogue states 的概率分布(Su et al., 2016a,b);然后 system action 由自然语言生成器(NLG)描述(Wen et al., 2015a,b; Dušek, Jurcicek, 2015). The Dialogue State Tracking Challenge(DSTC)系列公开任务提供了一个带标记数据集的通用评估框架(Williams et al., 2016). 该框架由 domain ontology 支持, ontology 定义一系列 slots 和 每个 slot 可采用的 values. 系统必须跟踪用户表达的搜索约束(goals or informable slots)以及询问用户对搜索结果(request)的问题. 这需要考虑每个用户的话语(通过语音识别器的输入)和对话上下文(dialogue context)(例如, 系统刚刚说了什么). 图 1(博主注:我一般在论文笔记中不放图, 但这张图可以对 DST 有一个直观的了解, 推荐去原论文看一下)中给出了一个例子, DST 模块依赖于识别用户话语中的 ontology items. 在一个对话回合内, 传统统计方法使用一个单独的 SLU 模组去处理词汇多样性的问题. 然而, 训练这些模型需要大量特定领域的标注. 另外, 由 Henderson et al. (2014d) 所展示的, turn-level SLU 和 cross-turn DST 可以合并成单独一个模型以实现更好的 belief tracking 性能. 这样的耦合模型通常依赖于人工构造的语义词典来识别所提到的多样的(词汇上或形态上) ontology items. 图 2 给出了三个 slot-value 对的词典示例. 本文提出了一个新模型——NBT, SLU 和 DST 的组合版 背景

Separate SLU

  传统的 SDS 管道使用 SLU 解码器去探测在 ASR 输出中的 slot-value pair. 然后下游 DST 模型将这一信息与上一轮的对话上下文结合, 以此更新 belief state.


  Joint model 通常依赖一个被称为 delexicalisation 策略, 凭此, 文本中出现的 slots 和 values 被替换为通用的单词.

Neural Belief Tracker

  NBT 是一个模型.

功能:在对话过程中, 用于检测在给定轮次的情况下的 slot-value 对(即用户的目的). 输入:它的输入是用户进行输入之前的 system dialogue acts, user utterance 以及一个候选 slot-value pair. 例子:模型也许要决定 ‘I’m looking for good pizza’ 是否表达出了目的 FOOD=ITALIAN. 要执行 belief tracking, NBT 模型要迭代所有的候选 slot-value pairs(由本体定义), 并且做出决定刚才是否有一个 pair 被用户表达出来了.   图 3 呈现了模型中的信息流程. NBT 架构的第一层在给定三个输入的情况下执行表征学习(representation learning), 产生用户话语(user utterance) r, 当前候选 slot-value c 以及 system dialogue acts 的向量表征. 然后, 学习到的向量表征通过 context modelling 和 semantic decoding 子模组交互, 得到中间 interaction summary 向量 and d. 它们被用作最终 decision-making 模组的输入, 该模组决定用户是否表达了由候选 slot-value pair 表示的意图(即二元分类).

Representation Learning

训练向量表征, 以一个向量表示一句话.

  • NBT-DNN:用 n-grams(1, 2, 3) 向量之和表示 utterance 向量.
  • NBT-CNN:使用 CNN 训练, 得到 utterance 向量.

Semantic Decoding

  博主注:Semantic Decoding 指的是用户的 utterance 和 一个 slot-value pair 进行计算, 最后得到向量 d. 然后再与向量 m 进行计算, 得到一个二维的向量, 以此来断定该 slot-value pair 是否与 utterance 有关.   其次, 不管有无关系, 都会执行下一次的匹配. 即再次输入用户的 utterance 和下一个 slot-value pair 进行匹配.   以此反复, 直到迭代完所有的 slot-value(预定义在系统中). 最后得到想要的多个/一个/零个 slot-value pair.

  图 3 的 NBT 图示显示了 utterance 表征 r 和候选 slot-value pair c 直接通过 semantic decoding 模组交互. 该组件决定用户是否清晰地表达出与当前候选对匹配的意图(即不考虑对话上下文).   这种匹配的例子包括 ‘I want Thai food’ 和 ‘food=Thai’, 或者要求更高的食物, 如 a pricey restaurant 和 ‘price=expensive’.   这是使用高质量的预训练词向量发挥的作用:delexicalisation-based model 可以处理前一个例子, 但在后一种情况下是无能为力的, 除非人类专家提供了一个语义词典来列出 domain ontology 中的每个值的所有可能的替换.   让候选对的 slot name and value 的向量空间表示 由 c s 和 c v 给出(多个单词的 slot name/value 向量相加). NBT 模型学习将这个元组映射成一个向量 c, 该向量的维数与 utterance 表征 r 相同. 然后, 这两个表征被强制交互, 以学习一个相似性度量标准: $$ c = \sigma(W^s_c(c_s + c_v) + b^s_c) \\ d = r \otimes c $$ 其中 ⊗ (博主注:论文中是用的这个符号,但是 Hadamard product 应该是使用 ∘ 或者 ⊙ ) 代表 element-wise 相乘(Hadamard 乘积)。点积,看起来像更直观的相似性度量,但是它会把 d 中丰富的特性集减少为单个标量(博主注:即向量点积的结果是一个值,而不是向量)。元素乘法允许下游网络通过学习 r 和 c 中特征集之间的非线性交互,更好地利用其参数


Open source chatbot framework


论文地址, 论文作者 Alexandros Papangelis 等, 发表于 2020 年. Github code and doc: - -

uber/ludwig - a toolbox built on top of TensorFlow that allows to train and test deep learning models without the need to write code:


本论文中提出了 Plato, 一个灵活的对话 AI 平台, 支持任何类型的会话代理架构. 包括从标准架构到具有联合训练组件的架构、单方或多方交互, 以及任何会话代理组件的离线或在线训练. Plato 被设计成易于理解和调试的形式, 并且对训练每个组件的底层学习框架是不可知的.


传统上, 对话式 AI 系统(Conversational AI systems)由语音识别(Automatic Speech Recognition, ASR), 自然语言理解(Natural Language Understanding, NLU), 对话状态追踪(Dialogue State Tracking, DST), 对话管理(Dialogue Management, DM), 自然语言生成(Natural Language Generation, LG), Text To Speech(TTS) 组成.   随着某些技术的发展, 一系列的平台和工具包被提出, 以构建对话式 AI 系统. 每个工具包很大程度上都是被设计在某个特定的例子中, 它们由于某些原因, 似乎使得尖端研究与其在生产系统中的应用两部分失去关联. 无论如何, 对话式 AI 系统变得越来越有用, 需要有一个工具包能够在研究与生产之间搭起一个桥梁, 并且能够提供一个完整会话体验的快速原型, 其需要拥有 ASR、NLU、DST/DM、NLG 和 TTS 功能. 目前仅有几个工具包可以完成以上的需要, 例如 RASA.

现存开源对话式 AI 系统

  一些工具包以及对话式 AI 平台在近期被提出. 以下是一些一流、被广泛采用的平台:

  • PyDial

Plato 架构

Plato 可以被用于创建、训练以及评估对话式 AI agents. 它主要有四部分组件, 即: 1. dialogue:定义以及实现 dialogue acts 和 dialogue states 2. domain:包含对话的本体以及对话系统所需的数据库; 3. controller:安排对话; 4. agent:实现每个对话式 agent 的不同组件.

在 Plato 中, 每个组件都是使用 YAML 文件中的配置来实例化的.


Plato 通过对话理论中定义明确的概念, 如 dialogue states 和 dialogue acts, 使 agents 之间的对话更便利. 然而, 一个 Plato agent 可能需要执行与对话没有直接关系的动作(例如调用一个 API)或使用言语以外的方式传递信息的动作(例如显示一个图像). 因此, Plato 把 Actions 和 States 建模成抽象的容器, 以此从中产生 Dialogue Acts 和 Dialogue States. 所以如果需要特定的应用(例如 multi-modal conversational agent), 就可以有特定于任务的 Dialogue Acts and States.


为了在 Plato 实现一个任务驱动的 slot-filling 对话系统, 需要规定两种元素, 即构成对话系统的 domain:

  1. Ontology:在任务驱动的应用中, 对于一次会话, ontology 决定了 informable slots(用户提供的信息), requestable slots(用户请求的信息), system requestable slots(系统请求的信息).
  2. Database:虽然 database 可能已经存在, 但是 Plato 提供工具从数据中构建对话系统的 domain 和 database.

在酒店预订的对话 agent 例子中, “口味”被认为是一个 informable slot, database 包含了关于酒店不同口味、价格范围、地址等信息. 对于非 slot-fliing 的应用, Plato ontologies 和 database 可以扩展以满足特定任务或领域的需求.

Domain creation

Plato provides a utility that makes it easy to generate an ontology (a .json file) and a database (SQLite) from a .csv file, with columns representing item attributes and rows representing items (for an example, see plato/example/data/flowershop.csv). The main purpose of this utility is to help quick prototyping of conversational agents. The command plato domain –config calls the utility and generates the appropriate .db and .json files that define the domain. In the YAML configuration file, the user specifies details such as the path to the input .csv file, the columns that represent informable slots, etc.




  Plato 中每个对话应用都有一个或多个 agent. 每个 agent 都有一个 role(助手、用户、旅客、导师等)以及一组组件, 例如 NLU, DM, DST, dialogue policy, NLG.   每一个组件可以是 rule-based , 也可以是 trained 的.

Rule-based modules

  Plato 提供 slot-filiing 对话 agent 的所有组件(rule-based):slot_filling_nlu, slot_filling_dst, slot_filling_policy, slot_filling_nlg, 以及一个 Agenda-Based User Simulator 的默认版本 agenda_based_us. 这些可以用于 quick prototyping, baselines, or sanity checks. 具体来说, 所有这些组件都遵循基于给定本体的 rules or patterns, 有时也遵循给定数据库的 rules or patterns, 并且应该被视为每个组件的最基本版本.

Trained modules

  Plato 支持以 online(交互期间)或者 offline(从数据中)的形式训练 agent 的组件, 可以使用任意的机器学习框架. 实际上, 只要尊重 Plato 的输入/输出接口, 任何模型都可以加载到 Plato 中. 例如, 如果是一个自定义 NLU 模型, 仅需要继承 Plato 的 NLU 抽象类(plato.agent.component.nlu)并且实现必要的方法以及将数据打包/解包到自定义模型中并从中取出的功能即可.

  • Plato internal experience:为了促进在线学习、调试和评估的能力,
  • Parsing data with Plato:Plato 为 DSTC2、MetaLWOZ 和 Taskmaster 数据集提供解析器. ……. 对于其他数据集, 用户应该实现自定义解析器, 将数据转换为 Plato 可读格式. …….
  • Training components of conversational agents:
  • Model Training with Plato:除了监督模型, Plato 还提供了一些强化学习算法的实现
  • Training with Ludwig:实际上, 在 Plato 中, 尽管任何框架都可以为对话式 agent 的不同组件构建和训练深度学习模型, 但当目标是 quick prototyping 或出于教育目的时, Ludwig 是一个不错的选择, 因为 Ludwig 允许用户在不编写任何代码的情况下训练模型. 用户只需要将其数据解析为 .csv 文件, 创建描述体系结构的 Ludwig YAML配置文件, 然后在终端中运行命令. 这允许 Plato 与 Ludwig 模型集成, 即加载或保存模型, 训练和查询它们. 经过训练的模型可以通过配置文件加载到模块中. 在 Plato 教程中, 我们提供了使用 Ludwig 为 Plato 建立和训练 language understanding, generation, dialogue policy, and dialogue state tracking 模型的示例.
  • Training with other frameworks



ca = AGENT()
for dialogue in range(num_dialogues):
            while not ca.terminated():


sys_response = [DialogueAct('welcomemsg', [])]
    if self.USE_NLG:
                sys_utterance = self.nlg.generate_output(
                    {'dacts': sys_response}
                print('SYSTEM > %s ' % sys_utterance)
                    'SYSTEM > %s ' % '; '.
                    join([str(sr) for sr in sys_response])

usr_utterance = input('USER > ')
            if self.nlu:
                usr_input = self.nlu.process_input(
                )  # [dact,dact,....]
self.dialogue_manager.receive_input(usr_input)  # update state (filtering db item)

        if self.dialogue_turn < self.MAX_TURNS:
            sys_response = self.dialogue_manager.generate_output() # [dact,dact,....]
            # Force dialogue stop
            sys_response = [DialogueAct('bye', [])]

        if self.USE_NLG:
            sys_utterance = self.nlg.generate_output({'dacts': sys_response})
            print('SYSTEM > %s ' % sys_utterance)

print statistic, result

return self.dialogue_manager.at_terminal_state() or \
            self.dialogue_turn > self.MAX_TURNS




  • DST:
  • DP


generate_output( {'dacts': sys_response}):



Dialogue 1 (out of 10)

DEBUG > usr goal:

SYSTEM > Hello, how may I help you?  
USER > north area please  

inform(area = north, ) after NLU.............i.........
[{'id': '19263', 'name': 'the nirala', 'addr': '7 milton road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'indian', 'phone': '01223 360966', 'pricerange': 'moderate', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 u.y', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'not available'}, {'id': '19262', 'name': 'city stop restaurant', 'addr': 'cambridge city football club milton road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'british', 'phone': '01223 363270', 'pricerange': 'expensive', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 u.y', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'located in cambridge city football club, city stop restaurant serve a variety of english and italian dishes as well as offering a selection of vegetarian options catering for corporate events and private parties of up to 100 guests is available upon request.'}, {'id': '19261', 'name': 'saigon city', 'addr': '169 high street chesterton chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'asian oriental', 'phone': '01223 356555', 'pricerange': 'expensive', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 n.l', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'saigon city serve vietnamese chinese and thai cuisine to eat in or take away'}, {'id': '19260', 'name': 'hakka', 'addr': 'milton road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'chinese', 'phone': '01223 568988', 'pricerange': 'expensive', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 j.y', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'a unique treat for all lovers of chinese cuisine. from the spice islands to the food streets of beijing and the finest ocean catch.'}, {'id': '19267', 'name': 'meghna', 'addr': '205 victoria road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'indian', 'phone': '01223 727410', 'pricerange': 'moderate', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 3 l.f', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'not available'}, {'id': '19266', 'name': 'tandoori palace', 'addr': '68 histon road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'indian', 'phone': '01223 506055', 'pricerange': 'expensive', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 3 l.e', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'tandoori palace serve a variety of indian and bangladeshi dishes and can cater for private parties of up to 110 guests upon request'}, {'id': '19265', 'name': 'golden wok', 'addr': '191 histon road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'chinese', 'phone': '01223 350688', 'pricerange': 'moderate', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 3 h.l', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'the golden wok serves a variety of traditional chinese meals including sweet and sour dishes as well as rice and noodles'}, {'id': '19264', 'name': 'restaurant two two', 'addr': '22 chesterton road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'french', 'phone': '01223 351880', 'pricerange': 'expensive', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 3 a.x', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'not available'}, {'id': '19257', 'name': 'royal spice', 'addr': 'victoria avenue chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'indian', 'phone': '01733 553355', 'pricerange': 'cheap', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 e.h', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'not available'}, {'id': '19258', 'name': 'the hotpot', 'addr': '66 chesterton road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'chinese', 'phone': '01223 366552', 'pricerange': 'expensive', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 e.p', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'the hotpot serves a variety of chinese dishes at their restaurant and can cater for private parties of up to five five guests upon request'}] {'food': 1.5941666991180168, 'pricerange': 0.9949236325717752, 'area': -0.0}  IN receive_input ........
request(food, ) after DM generate_output...........0...........
SYSTEM > Which food do you prefer?  
USER > um i want any food  

inform(food = dontcare, ) after NLU.............i.........
[{'id': '19263', 'name': 'the nirala', 'addr': '7 milton road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'indian', 'phone': '01223 360966', 'pricerange': 'moderate', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 u.y', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'not available'}, {'id': '19262', 'name': 'city stop restaurant', 'addr': 'cambridge city football club milton road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'british', 'phone': '01223 363270', 'pricerange': 'expensive', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 u.y', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'located in cambridge city football club, city stop restaurant serve a variety of english and italian dishes as well as offering a selection of vegetarian options catering for corporate events and private parties of up to 100 guests is available upon request.'}, {'id': '19261', 'name': 'saigon city', 'addr': '169 high street chesterton chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'asian oriental', 'phone': '01223 356555', 'pricerange': 'expensive', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 n.l', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'saigon city serve vietnamese chinese and thai cuisine to eat in or take away'}, {'id': '19260', 'name': 'hakka', 'addr': 'milton road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'chinese', 'phone': '01223 568988', 'pricerange': 'expensive', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 j.y', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'a unique treat for all lovers of chinese cuisine. from the spice islands to the food streets of beijing and the finest ocean catch.'}, {'id': '19267', 'name': 'meghna', 'addr': '205 victoria road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'indian', 'phone': '01223 727410', 'pricerange': 'moderate', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 3 l.f', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'not available'}, {'id': '19266', 'name': 'tandoori palace', 'addr': '68 histon road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'indian', 'phone': '01223 506055', 'pricerange': 'expensive', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 3 l.e', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'tandoori palace serve a variety of indian and bangladeshi dishes and can cater for private parties of up to 110 guests upon request'}, {'id': '19265', 'name': 'golden wok', 'addr': '191 histon road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'chinese', 'phone': '01223 350688', 'pricerange': 'moderate', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 3 h.l', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'the golden wok serves a variety of traditional chinese meals including sweet and sour dishes as well as rice and noodles'}, {'id': '19264', 'name': 'restaurant two two', 'addr': '22 chesterton road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'french', 'phone': '01223 351880', 'pricerange': 'expensive', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 3 a.x', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'not available'}, {'id': '19257', 'name': 'royal spice', 'addr': 'victoria avenue chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'indian', 'phone': '01733 553355', 'pricerange': 'cheap', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 e.h', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'not available'}, {'id': '19258', 'name': 'the hotpot', 'addr': '66 chesterton road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'chinese', 'phone': '01223 366552', 'pricerange': 'expensive', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 e.p', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'the hotpot serves a variety of chinese dishes at their restaurant and can cater for private parties of up to five five guests upon request'}] {'food': 1.5941666991180168, 'pricerange': 0.9949236325717752, 'area': -0.0}  IN receive_input ........
request(pricerange, ) after DM generate_output...........0...........
SYSTEM > Which price range do you prefer?  
USER > I prefer cheap price range  

inform(pricerange = cheap, ) after NLU.............i.........
[{'id': '19257', 'name': 'royal spice', 'addr': 'victoria avenue chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'indian', 'phone': '01733 553355', 'pricerange': 'cheap', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 e.h', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'not available'}, {'id': '19259', 'name': 'da vinci pizzeria', 'addr': '20 milton road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'italian', 'phone': '01223 351707', 'pricerange': 'cheap', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 j.y', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'da vinci pizzeria serve an extensive range of pizza and italian dishes as well as some vegetarian options a takeaway and delivery service is also available'}] {'food': 0.6931471805599453, 'pricerange': -0.0, 'area': -0.0}  IN receive_input ........
offer(name = royal spice, ) after DM generate_output...........0...........
inform(area = north, ) after DM generate_output...........1...........
inform(food = indian, ) after DM generate_output...........2...........
inform(pricerange = cheap, ) after DM generate_output...........3...........
SYSTEM > its name is royal spice its area is north is serving indian food its price range is cheap  
USER > What is the address?  

request(addr, ) after NLU.............i.........
[{'id': '19257', 'name': 'royal spice', 'addr': 'victoria avenue chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'indian', 'phone': '01733 553355', 'pricerange': 'cheap', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 e.h', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'not available'}, {'id': '19259', 'name': 'da vinci pizzeria', 'addr': '20 milton road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'italian', 'phone': '01223 351707', 'pricerange': 'cheap', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 j.y', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'da vinci pizzeria serve an extensive range of pizza and italian dishes as well as some vegetarian options a takeaway and delivery service is also available'}] {'food': 0.6931471805599453, 'pricerange': -0.0, 'area': -0.0}  IN receive_input ........
inform(addr = victoria avenue chesterton, ) after DM generate_output...........0...........
SYSTEM > its address is victoria avenue chesterton  
USER > What is the phone?  

request(phone, ) after NLU.............i.........
[{'id': '19257', 'name': 'royal spice', 'addr': 'victoria avenue chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'indian', 'phone': '01733 553355', 'pricerange': 'cheap', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 e.h', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'not available'}, {'id': '19259', 'name': 'da vinci pizzeria', 'addr': '20 milton road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'italian', 'phone': '01223 351707', 'pricerange': 'cheap', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 j.y', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'da vinci pizzeria serve an extensive range of pizza and italian dishes as well as some vegetarian options a takeaway and delivery service is also available'}] {'food': 0.6931471805599453, 'pricerange': -0.0, 'area': -0.0}  IN receive_input ........
inform(phone = 01733 553355, ) after DM generate_output...........0...........
SYSTEM > its phone is 01733 553355  
USER > Thank you, goodbye  

bye() after NLU.............i.........
thankyou() after NLU.............i.........
[{'id': '19257', 'name': 'royal spice', 'addr': 'victoria avenue chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'indian', 'phone': '01733 553355', 'pricerange': 'cheap', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 e.h', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'not available'}, {'id': '19259', 'name': 'da vinci pizzeria', 'addr': '20 milton road chesterton', 'area': 'north', 'food': 'italian', 'phone': '01223 351707', 'pricerange': 'cheap', 'postcode': 'c.b 4, 1 j.y', 'signature': 'not available', 'description': 'da vinci pizzeria serve an extensive range of pizza and italian dishes as well as some vegetarian options a takeaway and delivery service is also available'}] {'food': 0.6931471805599453, 'pricerange': -0.0, 'area': -0.0}  IN receive_input ........
bye(, ) after DM generate_output...........0...........
SYSTEM > Thank you, goodbye  
SUCCESS (Subjective)!