8. ML Strategy(2)

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进行误差分析(Carrying out error analysis)


假设正在调试猫分类器,然后取得了90%准确率,相当于10%错误. 看了一下算法分类出错的例子,注意到算法将一些狗分类为猫. 是否要花时间去针对狗的图片优化算法? – 通过错误分析来判断


  1. 100个错误标记的开发集样本, 手动检查开发集里有多少错误标记的样本是狗
  2. 如果100个中只有5%是狗, 那最多只能希望错误率从10%下降到9.5%
  3. 但如果50%都是狗的照片, 错误率可能就从10%下降到5%, 就可以集中精力减少错误标记的狗图的问题

Ideas for cat detection:

  • Fix pictures of dogs being recognized as cats
  • Fix great cats (lions, panthers, etc..) being misrecognized
  • Improve performance on blurry images Make a table like this:


一行对应一个错误标记样本, 一列就对应要评估的想法. 最后统计每个错误类型的百分比.



清除标注错误的数据(Cleaning up Incorrectly labeled data)


The circled picture is wrongly classified.

BUT DL algorithms are quite robust to random errors in the training set. (Not the case if it is systematic error(如果做标记的人一直把白色的狗标记成猫,那就成问题了))



Scenario A:

系统达到了90%整体准确度,所以有10%错误率. 开发集上有10%错误,其中0.6%是因为标记出错,剩下的占9.4%,是其他原因导致的. 记出错导致的错误是总体错误的一小部分而已, 可以手工修正各种错误标签,但也许这不是当下最重要的任务.

Scenario B:

错误率降到了2%,但总体错误中的0.6%还是标记出错导致的, 其他原因导致的错误是1.4%. 当测得的那么大一部分的错误都是开发集标记出错导致的,那似乎修正开发集里的错误标签似乎更有价值.

决定要去修正开发集数据,手动重新检查标签,并尝试修正一些标签,这里还有一些额外的方针和原则需要考虑, Correcting incorrect dev/test set examples:

  • Apply same process to your dev and test sets to make sure they continue to come from the same distribution
  • Consider examining examples your algorithm got right as well as ones it got wrong. (要考虑同时检验算法判断正确和判断错误的样本, 这不是很容易做,所以通常不会这么做, 因为正确的样本太大)
  • Train and dev/test data may now come from slightly different distributions.

快速搭建你的第一个系统,并进行迭代(Build your first system quickly, then iterate)

Depending on the area of application, the guideline below will help you prioritize when you build your system.



  1. Set up development/ test set and metrics - Set up a target
  2. Build an initial system quickly
    • Train training set quickly: Fit the parameters
    • Development set: Tune the parameters
    • Test set: Assess the performance
  3. Use Bias/Variance analysis & Error analysis to prioritize next steps

Build your first system quickly, then iterate (use that to do bias/variance analysis, error analysis…, use the result of analysis to help you prioritize where to go next)

使用来自不同分布的数据,进行训练和测试(Training and testing on different distributions)


Example: Cat vs Non-cat

In this example, we want to create a mobile application that will classify and recognize pictures of cats taken and uploaded by users.

There are two sources of data used to develop the mobile app. The first data distribution is small, 10 000 pictures uploaded from the mobile application. Since they are from amateur users, the pictures are not professionally shot, not well framed and blurrier. The second source is from the web, you downloaded 200 000 pictures where cat’s pictures are professionally framed and in high resolution.

The problem is that you have a different distribution:

  1. small data set from pictures uploaded by users. This distribution is important for the mobile app.
  2. bigger data set from the web.

The guideline used is that you have to choose a development set and test set to reflect data you expect to get in the future and consider important to do well.

The data(total in 210 000) is split as follow:

-w378 Train set: 20000Web+5000App

Dev set: 2500App

Test set: 2500App

The advantage of this way of splitting up is that the target is well defined(瞄准的目标就是想要处理的目标 - Data from Mobile App).

The disadvantage is that the training distribution is different from the development and test set distributions. However, this way of splitting the data has a better performance in long term.


数据分布不匹配时,偏差与方差的分析(Bias and Variance with mismatched data distributions)

Bias and variance with mismatched data distributions

Example: Cat classifier with mismatch data distribution


When the training set is from a different distribution than the development and test sets, the method to analyze bias and variance changes.


Scenario A

If the development data comes from the same distribution as the training set, then there is a large variance problem and the algorithm is not generalizing well from the training set.

However, since the training data and the development data come from a different distribution, this conclusion cannot be drawn. There isn’t necessarily a variance problem. The problem might be that the development set contains images that are more difficult to classify accurately.

When the training set, development and test sets distributions are different, two things change at the same time. First of all, the algorithm trained in the training set but not in the development set. Second of all, the distribution of data in the development set is different.

It’s difficult to know which of these two changes what produces this 9% increase in error between the training set and the development set. To resolve this issue, we define a new subset called training- development set. This new subset has the same distribution as the training set, but it is not used for training the neural network.

Scenario B

The error between the training set and the training- development set is 8%. In this case, since the training set and training-development set come from the same distribution, the only difference between them is the neural network sorted the data in the training and not in the training development. The neural network is not generalizing well to data from the same distribution that it hadn’t seen before. Therefore, we have really a variance problem.

Scenario C

In this case, we have a mismatch data problem since the 2 data sets come from different distribution.

Scenario D

In this case, the avoidable bias is high since the difference between Bayes error and training error is 10 %.

Scenario E

In this case, there are 2 problems. The first one is that the avoidable bias is high since the difference between Bayes error and training error is 10 % and the second one is a data mismatched problem.

Scenario F

Development should never be done on the test set. However, the difference between the development set and the test set gives the degree of overfitting to the development set.

Bias/variance on mismatched training and dev/test sets:


General formulation



处理数据不匹配问题(Addressing data mismatch)

This is a general guideline to address data mismatch:

  • Perform manual error analysis to understand the error differences between training, development/test sets. Development should never be done on test set to avoid overfitting.
  • Make training data or collect data similar to development and test sets. To make the training data more similar to your development set, you can use is artificial data synthesis.-w691

However, it is possible that if you might be accidentally simulating data only from a tiny subset of the space of all possible examples, and the model might be overfit this part of data.

迁移学习(Transfer learning)

Transfer learning refers to using the neural network knowledge for another application.

When to use transfer learning

  • Task A and B have the same input 𝑥
  • A lot more data for Task A than Task B
  • Low level features from Task A could be helpful for Task B

Example 1: Cat recognition - radiology diagnosis

The following neural network is trained for cat recognition, but we want to adapt it for radiology diagnosis. The neural network will learn about the structure and the nature of images. This initial phase of training on image recognition is called pre-training, since it will pre-initialize the weights of the neural network. Updating all the weights afterwards is called fine-tuning.

For cat recognition

Input 𝑥: image

Output 𝑦 – 1: cat, 0: no cat


Radiology diagnosis

Input 𝑥: Radiology images – CT Scan, X-rays

Output 𝑦 :Radiology diagnosis – 1: tumor malign, 0: tumor benign



  • Delete last layer of neural network
  • Delete weights feeding into the last output layer of the neural network
  • Create a new set of randomly initialized weights for the last layer only
  • New data set (𝑥, 𝑦)


When transfer learning makes sense/be applicable

  • Task A and B have the same input x. (like both are images, vedio…)
  • You have a lot more data for Task A than Task B. (Transfering from a problem with a lot of data to a problem with relatively little data)
  • Low level features from A could be helpful for learning B. (low level features like edge detection..)

多任务学习(Multi-task learning)

Multi-task learning refers to having one neural network do simultaneously several tasks.

Example: Simplified autonomous vehicle

The vehicle has to detect simultaneously several things: pedestrians, cars, road signs, traffic lights, cyclists, etc. We could have trained four separate neural networks, instead of train one to do four tasks. However, in this case, the performance of the system is better when one neural network is trained to do four tasks than training four separate neural networks since some of the earlier features in the neural network could be shared between the different types of objects. (One neural network doing 4 things results in better performance than training 4 separate nn)


The input $x^{(i)}$ is the image with multiple labels

The output $y^{(i)}$ has 4 labels which are represents:


Neural Network architecture:


Also, the cost can be compute such as it is not influenced by the fact that some entries are not labeled.

(omit that term from summation but just sum over only the values where there is a label)




When multi-task learning makes sense:

  • Training on a set of tasks that could benefit from having shared lower-level features.
  • Usually: Amount of data you have for each task is quite similar. (recall transfer learning)
  • Can train a big enough neural network to do well on all the tasks.

Rich Carona发现:


在实践中,多任务学习的使用频率要低于迁移学习. 一个例外是计算机视觉,物体检测。在那些任务中,人们经常训练一个神经网络同时检测很多不同物体,这比训练单独的神经网络来检测视觉物体要更好

什么是端到端的深度学习?(What is end-to-end deep learning?)

End-to-end deep learning is the simplification of a processing or learning systems into one neural network. (以前有一些数据处理系统或者学习系统,它们需要多个阶段的处理. 端到端深度学习就是忽略所有这些不同的阶段,用单个神经网络代替它)

Example - Speech recognition model


The traditional way - small data set works well


The hybrid way - medium data set -w455

The End-to-End deep learning way – large data set works even better -w437


End-to-End approach:

Image -> Identity

BUT best practice:

  1. One nn to detect the face
  2. One nn to identify the person

Why is it that the 2 steps approach works better:

  1. Each of the 2 problems is actually much simplier
  2. Have a lot of data for each of the 2 sub-tasks!!!!

End-to-end deep learning cannot be used for every problem since it needs a lot of labeled data. It is used mainly in audio transcripts, image captures, image synthesis, machine translation, steering in self-driving cars, etc.



估计一个孩子的年龄, 处理这个例子的一个非端到端方法,就是照一张图,然后分割出每一块骨头,所以就是分辨出哪段骨头应该在哪里. 然后,知道不同骨骼的长度,你可以去查表,查到儿童手中骨头的平均长度,然后用它来估计孩子的年龄,所以这种方法实际上很好。

是否要使用端到端的深度学习?(Whether to use end-to-end learning?)

Before applying end-to-end deep learning, you need to ask yourself the following question: Do you have enough data to learn a function of the complexity needed to map x and y?


  • Let the data speak
    • By having a pure machine learning approach, the neural network will learn from x to y. It will be able to find which statistics are in the data, rather than being forced to reflect human preconceptions.
  • Less hand-designing of components needed
    • It simplifies the design work flow.


  • May need large amount of labeled data
    • It cannot be used for every problem as it needs a lot of labeled data.
  • Excludes potentially useful hand-designed component
    • Data and any hand-design’s components or features are the 2 main sources of knowledge for a learning algorithm. If the data set is small than a hand-design system is a way to give manual knowledge into the algorithm.

Apply ene-to-end deep learning:




  • Use DL to learn individual components
  • Carefully choose x->y depending on what task you can get data for
